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Pide al Congreso que de prioridad a las familias antes que a los multimillonarios

February 25, 2025
Tenemos noticias y no son buenas . La semana pasada quedaron muy claros los planes de los republicanos de la extrema derecha de la Cámara de Representantes con la publicación de su resolución presupuestaria: están tratando de aprobar una ley que reduciría masivamente los impuestos ($4.5 TRILLONES)...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Breaking Through: Executive Orders. Funding Freezes. Health Care. Child Care. Justice Reform, & How to Raise Your Voice.

February 3, 2025
On the radio show this week we dive into the confusion, harm, and chaos caused by Donald Trump's ridiculous Executive Orders and nominees, from a funding freeze that shut down Medicaid portals in all 50 states to the nomination of an unqualified, unfit, and utterly confused cabinet nominee in RFK...
MomsRising's picture

Dile al Congreso que no permita que Trump perjudique a nuestras familias y economía.

January 28, 2025
En un movimiento ilegal, anoche, el presidente Donald Trump declaró que detendría las subvenciones y los préstamos federales con efecto hoy a las 5 p.m. ET. Los detalles de este memorando aún son algo desconocidos. Los únicos programas que sabemos que no se verán afectados son los pagos de Medicare...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture

Stop Trump’s illegal federal funding freeze

January 28, 2025
Trump’s illegal freeze potentially impacts a wide swath of vital programs that allow parents to work, children to thrive, people to contribute to their communities, and small businesses and our economy to run, like: Head Start, health care, disaster relief, school meals, veterans programs, public schools, elder care, clean water infrastructure, housing assistance, meals on wheels, and federal cancer trials, and so much more. If this sounds incredibly concerning and illegal it is!
MomsRising's picture
SAFE Infant Feeding Sanitation Kit

Supporting Western North Carolina Families Affected by Hurricane Helene

January 17, 2025
In the wake of Hurricane Helene, many families across affected regions are grappling with challenges that disrupt everyday life, including safely feeding their babies and young children. We were grateful to join the NC Breastfeeding Coalition’s Support & Advocacy for Infant Feeding in...
Tina Sherman's picture

Breaking Through: Democracy, Elections, and What's Happening in America

November 18, 2024
On the radio show this week, we covered what happened in the November 5th Elections, where to find hope, how your voice and your story is more powerful than ever before, and what we can all do to lift democracy. We also cover the importance of disability economic justice, equal pay, and the...
MomsRising's picture

Building MOMentum for School Meals for All in North Carolina

October 7, 2024
Eight states currently offer school meals to all students at no charge. North Carolina families want North Carolina to be the ninth state, giving all NC children access to the healthy food they need to learn, grow, and thrive. Towards that end, MomsRising volunteers in North Carolina have been...
Jessica Burroughs's picture
Child looking down at a bowl with text that says "One in five U.S. children faced hunger in 2023!"

Our Families Deserve to be Fed: Reflections on New 2023 USDA Data on Food Security!

September 10, 2024
Every family deserves access to high-quality, nutritious food to keep our children healthy and happy. The USDA recently released data on U.S. household food security from 2023 , finding one in SEVEN households (13.5 percent) in America struggled with hunger. The rates of food insecurity were higher...
Hanna's picture

¡Nuestras familias merecen ser alimentadas! Reflexiones sobre los nuevos datos del USDA del 2023 sobre seguridad alimentaria

September 10, 2024
Toda familia merece tener acceso a comida nutritiva y de alta calidad para mantener a sus hijos sanos y felices. USDA publicó recientemente datos del 2023 sobre seguridad alimentaria en los hogares de Estados Unidos que revelaron que UNO de cada SIETE hogares (13.5%) de Estados pasaron hambre. Los...
Hanna's picture

Kamala Harris, Democracy, End Gun Violence, Food Is Key, End Climate Change

September 9, 2024
On the radio show this week we dive into the excellent leadership track record of Vice President Kamala Harris, culture change and voting; then we move to discussing how each of us can help end gun violence; after that we hear how food is medicine and get info on how to get access to healthy foods...
MomsRising's picture
