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House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway today introduced an ill-considered plan that will make it harder for hungry families to access the food they need. Conaway added a proposal to the 2018 Farm Bill to implement unnecessary, harmful and overly restrictive work requirements to the...
MomsRising's picture
Written by Joan Alker , Executive Director of the Center for Children and Families The President issued an executive order yesterday titled “Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility”. It requires the Secretaries of Treasury, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, HHS, HUD,...
Say Ahhh's picture
It's another big week! Equal Pay Day was April 10, Tax Day is coming up on the 17th, and the Farm Bill has been introduced! Please take a moment to take action on all of these issues - and more - via the top #5Actions list below! Then ... relax and enjoy your weekend, knowing you've done good work...
Karen Showalter's picture
Take Action!
It’s Equal Pay Day. Again . The day that marks how far a woman typically has to work into 2018 to make what men were paid the previous year, across race, ethnicity, and industry. This is quite simply NOT okay . So, this Equal Pay Day, we want to aim our Care Bear Stare (or really, our emoji glare)...
Ruth Martin's picture
Take Action!
Tax Day is coming up—April 17th! From this point forward Tax Day is going to look very different than those in the past few years. Yes, many of us will be making last minute trips to the post office to file our taxes but perhaps more important: We're realizing we were lied to and ignored by those...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
We are so thrilled that the #MomsVote telephone town hall launch last Thursday was a huge success! Parkland student leader Delaney Tarr reiterated the students' call to vote, which was a major theme of #March4OurLives. National Education Association President Lily Eskelsen Garcia talked about...
Dorie Klein's picture
Today is Equal Pay Day, which marks how far women in the United States have to work into 2018 to catch up to what men, on average, were paid in 2017 alone. This frustrating annual ritual is a reminder that our country still has a long way to go in closing the wage gap, reaching economic equality...
MomsRising's picture
Take Action!
GOP leaders in the U.S. Congress want to pass unnecessary, harmful, and overly restrictive work requirement in order to access SNAP, which boosts our families and economy. Sign our letter NOW telling Congress "hands off SNAP!"
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Tune In!
On the RADIO show this week we cover Trump’s dangerous move to increase the detention of pregnant women; the victory of ending the practice of shackling women in prison during labor and what more needs to be done; advancing #CounselorsNotCops in New York State; and how to speak to children and...
Kristin's picture
Were you able to join our incredible Town Hall meeting with Senator Elizabeth Warren on Thursday night? We couldn't be more excited to move into this next election season with some exciting plans and a firm commitment to helping parents get to the polls! Don't worry if you missed it - there's lots...
Karen Showalter's picture
