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*** Para leer este blog en español en Mamá , haga clic aquí : http://www. 45372&lang=es During the summer break many parents and kids find themselves with spare time on their hands, and it’s the perfect opportunity to help your children build social-...
Donna Hoffman Cullinan's picture
When I recently attended an advance prescreening of Intelligent Lives, a wonderful film by Dan Habib that will challenge our definition of intelligence when it is released next year, in the discussion that followed the clip, a number of participants from the film were answering audience questions...
Christina DAllesandro's picture
With summer in full swing, children and teens that relied on school meals for their nourishment and nutrition can be left without. This is where the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Summer Food Service Program (“SFSP”), commonly referred to as the Summer Meals Program, steps in. The program...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
MomsRising members are heartbroken for the family of Alton Sterling, and deeply disturbed by his killing at the hands of police. No mother should ever have to explain to her children that their father will not be coming home because he was killed by police, for no reason other than being a black...
Kristin's picture
Today is Justin’s birthday. So hard to believe that it’s been 36 years since I first held that little miracle in my arms. So many thoughts and feelings overwhelming me at that moment—relief, pride, exhaustion, wonder, love, protectiveness, and yes, fear. And what new mother doesn’t experience fear...
Wendy David's picture
Today marks my first day back in the office after a week unplugged (no computer use, email, TV/movies and only minimal phone use). I spent the time working in my garden, writing, swimming, doing creative visioning for my business, walking barefoot outdoors, visiting springs/rivers with friends and...
Renee Trudeau's picture
"Ms. Cooke, the team has concluded its assessments and observations and we have come to the conclusion that your daughter NaVia fits the criteria for our exception needs program as a child with Autism." At least that's what I think they said. All I remember that late spring day in 2011 was "your...
NaShonda Cooke's picture
Kids and young adults are out of school and will be spending more time at parks, pools, malls, and restaurants. Among these young folk there will be a sizable percentage of kiddos who are Autistic or otherwise Developmentally Delayed. Parents and caregivers want nothing more than for their kids to...
Michelle Korth's picture
What is it like to be a parent of a child with disabilities? This has become a very common question as I’ve started to share more publicly about the challenges my child faces and how they impact her and our family. The truth is that there is no exact answer. Each parent has their own unique story...
Sheila Arias's picture
Whoa. Childcare costs more than college in most states right now. That’s a national emergency in my book. But you can do something to help address this challenge and fix it. You can educate city leaders about how they can strengthen early learning programs, like pre-k and childcare, in your...
Nina Perez's picture
