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The stories are unbelievable ! A Queens first grader with learning disabilities was handcuffed by police and suspended from school when he became upset while painting an easter egg in class . Alexa Gonzalez, a 12-year-old Queens girl was suspended from school and hauled off in handcuffs for...
Beatriz Beckford's picture
I know there’s a whole lot of yuck happening in national politics right now, but we have good news! In spite of all the yuck, local leaders are doing GREAT things on early learning across the country. Leaders like Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, who is piloting an evidence-based 4-year universal pre-k...
Nina Perez's picture
Lucy and Twins Photo.jpg Let's fast forward to the year 2059. My 11-year old daughter Lucy will be 55, and my two-year old twins, Cecilia and Eleanor, will turn 45. It's fun to contemplate all that they might achieve over the next four decades. It's not so fun to think about the fact that it will...
Mary Kay Devine's picture
The climate of Islamophobia in this country is causing American Muslims great anxiety. Children are bullied for being Muslim (or for ‘looking’ Muslim), mosques are set on fire and vandalized , presidential candidates call for ‘Muslim neighborhoods’ to be patrolled , women are told to take their...
Kristin Garrity Sekerci's picture
This post first appeared on Facebook. It's 10pm. The babies are in bed and I'm trying to get some work done. I've noticed I haven't shared much personal on Facebook lately. Trying to share more other than articles I've read and honestly, I wanted to bring something up that I've been thinking about...
Chantilly Pantino's picture
How long has it been since you’ve had a raise? For some workers, it has been entirely too long. Today – Friday, April 1, 2016 – marks the 25 th anniversary since the minimum wage for tipped workers has been increased. For 25 years now, the minimum wage for an estimated 5.3 million workers in the U...
David Elliot's picture
More Americans die every year from drug overdoses than they do in car crashes. That’s one of the reasons President Obama was in Atlanta this Tuesday speaking at the National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit, the largest national collaboration of local, state and federal agencies, business, academia, treatment providers, counselors and advocates impacted by prescription drug abuse and heroin use.
Lecia Imbery's picture
March 31 is the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s last Sunday sermon at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. in 1968 before his assassination four days later: “Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution”. Dr. King said he believed a triple revolution was taking place in the world...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Studies have shown that children entering kindergarten at a healthy weight are least likely to develop diabetes, asthma, cancer, and other health issues. They're also more likely to become healthy adults. And that's something to aspire to! Join #FoodFri on April 1, 2016, between 1 and 2pm, Eastern...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
Members of Congress like to talk about securing the future for our children and grandchildren. Instead, Congress has foreclosed opportunity for many thousands of children because of its irresponsible failure to protect them from lead poison. Congress needs to come back and ensure that all children now threatened by such toxic inaction have the protection and services they need.
Debbie Weinstein's picture
