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Let’s be clear: I support giving children choices and empowering them to make good ones. Those are crucial life skills that need to be reinforced at home and at school. That being said, the adults at home and at school have a responsibility to make sure that the choices presented are all healthy...
Kate Uslan's picture
For my grandmother, Obdulia Olivella, moving was a part of life. She was born in El Salvador and moved to Panama as a young woman to help her U.S.-born husband start a business. Over the next couple of decades, they would move with four children in tow to the United States, back to Panama, then to...
Mary O's picture
As I listened to the barrage of news this week on immigration, I kept thinking about an 8-year-old girl I met in Georgia in 2011. Melanie is a star student and Girl Scout. Her mother bravely spoke to a group of women delegates about how Georgia's treatment of immigrants was affecting families...
Mary O's picture
If I hear once more that the reason for the wage gap is that women don't negotiate, I may just blow a gasket. Linda Babcock herself, the author of the studies that gave rise to the "women don't ask" industry, has shown that women don't negotiate for a very simple reason: they sense—correctly—that...
Joan C. Williams's picture
Head Start works. A new study is sparking a debate about just how well the early education program works because it shows Head Start’s impact fades out during the first four grades of elementary school. Now some analysts are using the findings as political leverage to suggest overhauling the...
Paul Nyhan's picture
Yesterday a friend posted a link to a Facebook group I'm in about Jaielyn, a high school sophomore in Delaware whose school won't let her pump or store breast milk at school. I read the article and my head spun. I've been here before. I got pregnant at the end of my sophomore year of high school...
Charlie Rose's picture
Remember when Mika Brezezinski, co-host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, put out her book Knowing Your Value ? It was advertised as a “surprisingly honest and unexpectedly revealing look at gender inequality in the workplace.” Mika argued that women generally underestimate their own worth and, for this...
Valerie Young's picture
Here at MomsRising, we work virtually--on the phone and on our computers. Somehow, that hasn't stopped us from passing around this mean winter bug that has made national news headlines the past two weeks. Every other day one of us was sending icky morning email updates about fevers and persistent...
dream hampton's picture
The Newtown, Tucson and Virginia Tech “shooters” all chose guns over mental health care. So we debate gun control. But a true solution must involve a serious examination of our mental health system. Even if Adam Lanza, Jared Loughner and Seung-hui Cho had no access to guns, they still would have...
Dora Calott Wang's picture
You did it! Procter & Gamble has just agreed to reformulate Tide and Tide Free & Gentle to drastically reduce the levels of the cancer-causing chemical 1,4-dioxane! Learn more. In just one short year, you moved the biggest consumer product company on the planet to make this change. Together...
Cassidy Randall's picture
