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Take Action
No matter how we feel about abortion, politicians shouldn’t be allowed to deny someone health coverage for it just because they are struggling financially. The EACH Act will guarantee coverage for abortion without restrictions based on how much money we have, how we are insured, or where we live.
Diarra Diouf's picture
Everything is strange this year, including tax day, which has been moved to May 17th due to the pandemic. But don’t worry, we have some actions to get you excited about taxes!
Sue Anne Reed's picture
Take Action
Mom on computer with daughter
Our cool tool makes it super easy to send a letter to the editor outlining the types of tax policies we need Congress to pass in the next recovery package.
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Robyn Boyles with her daughter
“The stimulus checks helped a lot, and it would be nice to continue to get help since we’re still in debt from last year.”
Hanna's picture
An arm with light skin with an IV needle attached and taped
I'm not a layperson. I wasn't lost in the healthcare system. I know healthcare from the inside out. I have been a nurse for 17 years. I researched every doctor before scheduling an appointment. I prepared a list of questions and concerns for each doctor's visit. Yet the outcome was the same as any other patient's story that results in misdiagnosis.
Gabriela's picture
Online Event: How to Get Cash from Child Tax Credit with America Ferrara and Alyssa Milano
The biggest direct cash investment in families since the Great Depression is happening RIGHT NOW, but 59 percent of American women don't know about it! America Ferrera, Alyssa Milano and some very cute kids are looking to change that.
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Children hanging a question mark on a wall
Don’t be shy! If you have a question about COVID-19 vaccines, then there surely are also many others who have that same question, too. Share your questions with us and we’ll work to get them answered.
Felicia Burnett's picture
Princess Bride Inigo Montoya Let Me Sum Up graphic
What went on in the MomsRising community last week? Lots! Take a look at the new and notable for the week ending Saturday, May 8, 2021. ACTION OF THE WEEK: Tell Congress to Lower Drug Prices Americans should not pay three times more for medicines than people in other countries do. There are...
Kerri Karvetski's picture
This Mother’s Day weekend, we are inviting YOU to join us in taking ACTION to get Congress moving toward real change in honor of all the moms and caregivers who have moved mountains over the past 14 months of the pandemic (and way before that too). It’s time for our nation to finally build a care...
Nadia's picture
The March 16 Atlanta mass shooting killed 8 people, 6 of whom were women of Asian American descent. That was followed by the Indianapolis shooting in April, where 4 of the 8 victims were members of the Sikh community. These recent shootings happened in the context of surging anti-Asian hate crimes...
Gloria Pan's picture
