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We're telling legislators to get real healthcare reform done immediately, and get it right for kids and families. But we want to know what that means to you! Let us know what it would take for health reform to be meaningful for your family. Also, if you or your family has a healthcare story to...
Kristin's picture
Cross posted on PhD in Parenting . On May 17, I participated in the Fem 2.0 chat on twitter . The topic of discussion was mommies and feminism. We talked about a lot of things, but one thing I said towards the end of the chat seemed to resonate with a lot of people. I also think it is an important...
In January, President Obama made the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act the first bill he signed into law, reversing the effects of a devastating Supreme Court decision in the fair pay case, Ledbetter v. Goodyear. Just four months later, we’re faced with another deeply disappointing Supreme Court ruling...
Debra Ness's picture
I support equality for the sexes, but this wasn’t what I had in mind! Adding to the mounting evidence against the toxic chemical bisphenol-A (BPA), a study released last week ( ) found male monkeys exposed to BPA while in the womb display behaviors...
Ariana Kelly's picture
Written by Valerie Young, Your (Wo)man in Washington Blogger The United States has held on to 27th place in an index of 158 countries documenting conditions for mothers throughout the world. Mothers' education, access to health care, and economic status in each country were evaluated because they...
Valerie Young's picture
Does the Second Shift still apply? I’m re-reading Arlie Hochschild’s 1989 classic in preparing a syllabus for a course on 21st Century feminism. Hochschild’s findings were clear and familiar to many women: when they get home from work, many women with children work a “second shift” of domestic and...
Morra Aarons-Mele's picture
If you care about your kids future, I bet you care about global warming too. And with good reason: our kids are going to be in hot water unless we do something quick. Good thing we've finally got a President that really gets it – like really gets it. In fact, just a few months after that historic...
My name's Joan, and I live in Lynwood, CA. I've never visited a legislator's office before, but I decided to take the plunge when I got the email from MomsRising about bringing Lifesaver candies to a local member of the CA Assembly. I was a little nervous at first, but it turned out to be a lot of...
How many times do we hear stories that point accusatory fingers at women, deflecting attention from the true problems -- unequal pay, entrenched promotional practices that block women from the highest echelons in the political and corporate arenas, feeble sick leave and maternity leave policies, a lack of childcare subsidies for working mothers, and last but not least, the media's biased coverage?
I’ve never been a big fan of pageants. The social and gender implications are a bit disturbing to me. Add in the environmental and health impacts of conventional cosmetics and the textile and fashion industry and the whole event becomes antithetical to almost every value I hold dear. Needless to...
