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On the #RisersRadio show this week we cover the government shutdown, re-opening, and what’s happening next; we get the inside scoop from a structural engineer about the literal faults in Trump’s ridiculous wall; we hear the impact of using children’s access to healthy food as a political football;...
Amber Dorsey's picture
Beyond sharing the who, what, where, and when, explain why something happened and how big of a deal it is. This provides context and perspective. Also, tell kids a bit about how media functions, so they appreciate the relationship among news outlets, sponsors, and viewership. Take care when...
Caroline Knorr's picture
Universal Background Checks Now
The Shutdown crisis has been averted, for now. A huge thank you to the thousands of MomsRising members who called their U.S. Senators, sent emails, wrote letters of protest, visited congressional offices, shared personal stories about how the shutdown was affecting their families, and in other ways...
Karen Showalter's picture
When 26-year-old Stockton, California councilmember Michael Tubbs was elected in 2016 as Stockton’s first Black mayor, its youngest mayor ever, and the youngest mayor in U.S. history of a city with a population of at least 100,000, he had a mission to make positive change in his hometown. Last year...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Paid Leave for CO!
Are you looking for a way to make sure your voice is heard when it comes to important issues being discussed at the Colorado State Capitol, but you don’t live in Denver? Well if so, you’re in luck -- we’re coming to YOU! MomsRising and Good Business Colorado would like to invite you to be an...
Erin Bennett Leighton's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Brown paper grocery bags are filled with cans and fresh food.]
As the #TrumpShutdown drags on, people across the country are suffering devastating consequences. From confusion over SNAP (food stamps) and WIC experienced by beneficiaries to the sudden loss of income experienced by 800,000+ federal workers and contractors, the effects of this shutdown are far-...
Jessica Burroughs's picture
Howdy. I’m Amy Patrick. I’m a licensed structural and civil engineer. I hold a BS in civil engineering from Rice University in Houston, with an MS in structural engineering the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I have over a decade of experience on high-performance projects, and...
Amy Patrick's picture
Many workers in the U.S. are one missing paycheck away from financial hardship or worse. A recent survey conducted by GoBankingRates found that 58 percent of Americans have $1,000 or less in savings. And as the Trump Shutdown enters Day 28, more evidence is emerging that a number of the 800,000...
David Elliot's picture
On Day 33 of the Trump Government Shutdown, reports are spreading throughout the U.S. of tenants being threatened with sharply increased rents and even evictions. Last week, one company, Tri-State Management, confirmed it sent a letter to 28 buildings in Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, and...
David Elliot's picture
Paycheck Fairness
Have you seen all the “New Year, New Me” memes? I’ve got a better one: New Congress, New Chance for equal pay! That’s right — this new 116th Congress, the most diverse in history, is the best shot we’ve had in years to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act. And the time to get your members of Congress on...
Sara Alcid's picture
