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Please see our UPDATED FAQ on public charge, published here: *** On September 22, 2018, the Trump Administration posted a proposed new rule changing the definition of who may be considered a “public charge” in the U.S...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture
We Are MomsRising!
In today’s installment of We Are MomsRising, we talked to Melissa in Pennsylvania about what it is like to find childcare. Read her story below. To learn more about the We Are MomsRising campaign, check out this blog post . As a single mom of a toddler who was starting over in a small town with...
Abbie Gately's picture
The school shootings are scary and we feel like nothing can stop it from happening. — 11-year-old girl, Indiana We are afraid because there are too many threats at schools. I want my school to be safe and to have art because kids like art. –8-year-old girl, Wisconsin No one is doing anything to...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Facebook Live screenshot
Happy Friday! We're back with this week's list of top actions, and it is robust. As fall and school kick into high gear, so does our work! From telling Congress *no* to more tax breaks for big corporations, to demanding banks stop funding for-profit prison and detention corporations, we've got work...
Karen Showalter's picture
I am a Mexican immigrant born and raised in Mexico. I am Biracial and equally love my Mexican heritage and American heritage. I was a green card holder until 1983 when my mother took a citizenship exam and naturalized us. As an engineer and entrepreneur it has been my life mission to use my...
Eva Smith's picture
Watch our new video!
With everyone’s attention focused on the Supreme Court nomination and the upcoming elections, the U.S. House of Representatives is hoping to sneak through more destructive tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations! Good thing that moms have eyes in the backs of our heads! [1] And we won’t stand...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Many parents worry that cyberbullying, trolls, and rude behavior have taken over the internet. While it may seem that the online world has worn away our empathy, many studies show that kids and teens develop strong, supportive online bonds both with known friends and those they've met online. And...
Caroline Knorr's picture
Quick Signature!
BREAKING NEWS: A new study from the Center for American Progress found 83% of parents with children under the age of five struggle to access affordable, high-quality early learning programs for their children. (NOT news to those of us experiencing the childcare crisis, amiright?). And according to...
Lauren Hipp's picture
On November 9, 2016, I didn´t get out of bed when the alarm rang. I felt physically, mentally and spiritually lifeless. I´m no stranger to clinical depression and what I felt that morning and in the days that followed was very similar. As a Latina mom of mixed heritage, I felt powerless, defeated,...
Lorraine C. Ladish's picture
Every child deserves to be tucked into a safe bed to sleep. But for-profit prison and detention corporations are profiting off taking parents away from children and putting families behind bars. It’s time for Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase to stop financing Geo Group and and CoreCivic, two of the...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture
