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Are we really surprised? The federal rule that would make it mandatory for restaurant, supermarket and convenience store chains to post calorie counts on their menus may be delayed yet again just days before taking effect on May 5, 2017. This process has pushed on for seven years now... As a mother...
Kimberly Cooper's picture
Many children receive Medicaid-covered health care not only at the doctor’s office, but also at school.
Jessica Schubel's picture
“Preschool helped all three of my children to sit, listen and learn in kindergarten! They learned about the joy of learning and were hungry for more! These programs helped them in their social skills which is another important part of learning! Because of these programs they are and were not afraid...
Nina Perez's picture
THANK YOU! Through all the political chaos that’s happened since Trump took the White House we’ve been blown away by the impact at the state and federal levels of the over million members, and millions of readers, of MomsRising who have been raising their voices in high impact ways for the last ten...
Kristin's picture
According to recent news reports, Republicans in the House of Representatives have resurrected plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act after Rep. Tom MacArthur introduced an amendment to the American Health Care Act that has the support of the House Freedom Caucus. The MacArthur...
MomsRising's picture
You’ve heard about fake news. How about fake names for bad legislation? Yup, that’s happening too… but together we can stop it. The deceptively named, wolf in sheep's clothing, “Working Families Flexibility Act” (H.R. 1180 / S. 801) was just voted out of committee in Congress. It is now headed for...
Ruth Martin's picture
As the mother of two precious children, I know just how important the first years of life are. Milo, 5 and Elizabella, 2, are like little sponges. Every day they absorb new words, new skills and new ways of navigating this world that will serve them for a lifetime. As an advocate for mothers and...
Alyssa Milano's picture
Trump Proposal Is a Give-Away to the Wealthy and Corporations; Childcare Components Are Inadequate At Best & The Proposal as a Whole Would Deepen Struggles for Moms and Families While Hurting Our Economy
MomsRising's picture
It’s simple—our families need access to healthy foods in order to be healthy. Right now, more than 2 million people in North Carolina don't have access to healthy foods and our state ranks amongst the highest in the nation for household food-insecurity. Last year, the North Carolina General...
Felicia Burnett's picture
BREAKING: The FDA has delayed menu labeling. Join the chat to learn more! Americans consume, on average, one-third of their calories from eating out. Studies show that providing nutrition information at restaurants can help customers make lower-calorie choices, and a national poll found that 80...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
