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Pink slime was a wake-up call. Americans were mortified to see news footage of slabs of fat traveling along a conveyer belt, destined for a spin in a centrifuge and a spritz of ammonia before being mixed into fatty ground beef. The resulting “lean finely-textured beef” (the euphemism for the slime...
Mike Jacobson's picture
The world is sludging Sheryl Sandberg. What is "sludge?" you ask? Read on! This story has been buzzing around the internet this week, and it's been driving me crazy. Pete Cashmore of Mashable writes in this article : Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg recently set off quite a debate in the tech world...
Jody Thompson's picture
This blog originally appeared on the website of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights in Oakland, California. I am a mother of four children living in Pico Rivera, California. In my daily life, I work as an interpreter, lead a girl scout troop, and take my girls to volleyball practice, karate, and...
Lina Roldan's picture
Welcome to the final post in our three part "Ask An Expert" series, featuring Ashley Wheeland from the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative! A few weeks ago, the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative hosted an informative Facebook chat with MomsRising about the Affordable Care Act. Here are a few...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
By Ashley Wheeland, Health Policy Attorney Originally Published on the website of the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) includes many reforms to our health care systems, including private market reforms. One of these reforms will open a...
Ashley Wheeland's picture
Whoopi Goldberg and friends on The View just threw a Molotov cocktail of ignorance into the middle of the Mommy Wars. This time it’s about whether hospitals have the right to market formula to new moms with free samples. The women of The View give a unanimous, “Yes.” But the proposed ban on...
Melissa Bartick's picture
by Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff Executive Director and CEO Healthy Child Healthy World On the heels of last week’s CDC report that found higher rates of autism than ever before—now affecting 1 in 88 children and representing a 78% increase in the last 10 years— a new study published...
The just-released data on autism shows a count of one in 88 children, up from a rate of one in 100 three years ago, and one in 150 five years ago. With each change, the response remains the same: Oh that’s because of better detection and broader definitions. How, then, to account for the sharp...
Junior year of high school, my best friend found out that new male hires at her job were being paid the same amount as her, even though she had been there for a year. When she told me, my reaction could eloquently be summed up as “Huh?” Her realization that she was experiencing pay discrimination...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Cross posted with author permission from the Huffington Post . Wow. So many readers of my last blog post thought I was endorsing Rick Santorum, his policy prescriptions and all the anti-gay and anti-women statements he has made when I wrote that I’d miss him in the Presidential contest. Not at all...
Ann OLeary's picture
