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[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image with a blue background and text that reads MOM-entum.]
The MOMentum newsletter was created to shine a light on the good you help bring into the world as a MomsRising donor, and to make space in our busy lives for gratitude and kindness (and opportunity!). Please, keep reading to see your generosity in action – the Mother’s Day MOMibuster, baby formula shortage, reproductive justice, and more. And take pride in this MOMentum – you are an important part of it.
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Tulsa, Uvalde, Buffalo. The news of unspeakable gun violence is excruciating and unceasing. Guns are now the leading cause of death for children in America. [1] Yet, there are members of Congress who still insist that guns should be everywhere and resist life-saving legislation, even as over 200...
Gloria Pan's picture
With the pandemic limiting travel, we are bringing the Power Plus Summit 2022 to you! Join the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) @IWPResearch for the Power Plus Summit 2022 and hear special guests on the Breaking Through Show this week! *Find out more (and get involved) at: PowerPlus2022...
MomsRising's picture
There are not enough words to express the intense grief that we feel about the senseless violence and loss of lives in Uvalde, TX this week, and in Buffalo just days prior. The families and communities of those taken too soon will remain forever incomplete and deeply traumatized. Lives and...
Selina Maldonado's picture
Our lives are on the line and reproductive justice cannot wait. Republicans have failed us once again by voting against the much-needed Women’s Health Protection Act – and their message is more clear than it's ever been: Our livelihoods and rights to bodily autonomy simply do not matter to them...
Diarra Diouf's picture
On the radio show this week we cover the infant formula shortage crisis, and include tips for making sure infants get the nutrition they need in this time of emergency; we also cover the urgent need to protect voting rights and reproductive rights in America as our rights, freedoms, and communities...
MomsRising's picture
Many small candles lit up in a dark space.
On April 24 at 7:30 pm, gun violence prevention vigils took place simultaneously in multiple cities across North Carolina. They were hosted by the NC Gun Violence Prevention Coalition, which includes North Carolinians Against Gun Violence, North Carolina Council of Churches, Raleigh-Apex NAACP,...
Jessica Burroughs's picture
Boy flying kite with text saying Strolling Thunder, Thursday, June 9, 10:00-11:30 am
What is that up in the sky? Is it a bird? A plane? Nope! It's a kite! Join MomsRising (and a bunch of kites!) as we fly into action in Raleigh to remind NC lawmakers that when we lift up babies and families, we all can soar! MomsRising is excited to join our partners at the Think Babies NC Alliance...
BethM's picture
“I am 72 with 3 chronic genetic diseases. My Rx costs are beyond what I can afford and I have postponed getting refills and doing without due to lack of funds. There are millions of us out here. Parents of handicapped children, diabetics, others with chronic illnesses. We need your help. Please...
Tasmiha Khan's picture
Sign up for the Feed your Baby Newsletter
The news has been overwhelming about the baby formula shortage. If you have a child under the age of 1 and are dealing with this, like I am, I know how stressful, scary, and frustrating the shortage is. You are not in this alone. MomsRising is here to help share information with you about how to...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
