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In the hurly burly of lunch making, homework supervising, and keeping a family on track, many busy moms miss their chance to go vote on Election Day. You can help. Can you take 1 hour of your time to make some phone calls from the comfort of your home to help "turn out" the mom vote?
The presidential candidates and the media have recently been caught up in economic issues, including the stock market upheaval, credit crunch, housing crisis, and rising unemployment. Women’s issues, on the other hand, have faded from the media spotlight.
Robert Drago's picture
I’m one of those women who don’t really consider her ‘political’. In fact, that’s what I told Joan Blades and Kristin Rowe -Finkbeiner when we first met in Washington two years ago. But, like so many other Americans worn down by the economy and urged on by my conscience, I had to choose; My future, or my apathy.
Joy Rose's picture
Many thanks to those of you who pre-ordered environmental activist Van Jones's new book, The Green Collar Economy . It debuted on the New York Times bestseller list, making Jones the first African-American with a book about the environment to achieve this feat. Thanks all! "Surprise Best-Seller ‘Green Collar Economy’
Elisa Batista's picture
I moved back to Tustin, CA in December 2006 after leaving a man who had been abusive and a marriage that was falling apart. While I was looking for work, we were on Medi-Cal but I did not want to stay on for long because I felt others needed it more than me.
As the mother of a daughter, there are things I want for my eight-year-old especially when she becomes a woman -- things that I was lucky to have, but that generations before me didn't. Interestingly, John McCain, as the father of daughters, doesn't seem to want those same things.
PunditMom's picture
Dear Sarah,
PunditMom's picture
A Guest Blog for Moms Rising by Pamela Tanner Boll How do women continue to do work they feel called to do while not turning their backs on their families? How do they sustain their efforts? What do those efforts mean for their children, their families, and their communities? Why are women still whipsawed between giving to others and developing their own skills?
With the November presidential election drawing near, we may see groups of Americans pitted against one another: young versus old, blue states versus red, liberals versus conservatives.
Nanette Fondas's picture
“You say you want a revolution?” is the theme of an international gathering in Toronto this month, where a grassroots movement to give voice and power to the mothers of the world is poised to come of age. The founder of the “rock ‘n roll” wing of the movement tells us what it’s all about.
Joy Rose's picture
