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Mable Yee is the founder of
I will be hosting a moms caucus at the progressive Netroots Nation Convention in Austin, Texas this Thursday. The meeting will take place at a family-friendly restaurant so everyone -- including those not registered for the conference -- are free to attend. I hope to see as many of you there: When: Thursday, July 17 Time: 1:30 p.m.
Elisa Batista's picture
After a day of flying, delays and waiting, I got back yesterday from a women's workshop in Rhinebeck, New York, in the wee hours of the morning. (Ouch!)
Elisa Batista's picture
As if the price of gas wasn't bad enough, now Exxon Mobil is aggressively lobbying to defeat our efforts to ban phthalates, a toxic chemical, from kids' toys.
Donna's picture
I have written an article in Tikkun magazine called, “Can a Group Like Lead the U.S. to a New Bottom Line?” It’s a brief introduction to the mothers’ movement,’s MOTHERS platform, and how these point to the need for and possibility of a new bottom line in America, one...
Nanette Fondas's picture
Last night, California’s Budget Conference Committee voted to support a proposal that would drop a quarter million children from health coverage by requiring children to renew their Medi-Cal coverage every six months. This proposal is called Semi-Annual Reporting.
Juggling work, kids, and summer camps takes the skills of a Detective (What summer programs are good?), a Financial Analyst (Which camps can I afford?), and a coordinator from the Presidential Advance Team (How the heck do I get to the camp, anyway? And what supplies are needed?).
Kristin's picture
by Robert Drago and Arlene Holt Baker Many voters and pundits see John McCain as a maverick, someone willing to cross party lines on important issues. Maybe that is so in some ways, but his record on family issues is consistent. He opposes what American families need (see Take Care Net Summary).
Robert Drago's picture
Are you a caffeinated mom?
Anita's picture
Right now, almost half of all workers in Illinois don't have a single paid sick day. Too many Americans are forced to go to work sick, to choose between taking time off to care for a sick child or losing a day's pay, or even end up losing their jobs when illness strikes. It's time to solve this...
Katie Bethell's picture
