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Technorati Profile I was driving the other day and suddenly thought how luxurious it felt to focus on one task. All I had to do was drive safely! In fact, it’s the law that I pay attention to the road at all times. What a cakewalk!
Anita's picture
Hey there! It's been a while since I've blogged here but here's something worth sharing. I don't usually quote from comments people leave when they join our project's mailing list, but the one we received this morning was so eloquent and heartfelt, it really needs to be shared. Even more importantly, it comes from a mom who 'gets it.'
At my baby shower, a friend gave me a onesie that says "I love you Mommy!" She explained, "Your baby won't be able to say it yet, but you'll need to hear it!"
Anita's picture
The image of Silda Wall Spitzer--corporate lawyer, mother of three, and wife of now former New York Governor--standing silently next to her husband as he publicly confessed is now etched in our national consciousness.
Kristin's picture
"It is not possession of a womb that now holds women back, but its use." That's a line from a brilliant article published earlier this week in the British magazine New Statesman. As journalist Richard Reeves explains, in Britain the pay gap between men and women is virtually gone, until they become parents.
In New Jersey, a broad coalition of organizations including MomsRising is in the final stages of passing Family Leave Insurance. This is terrific news that has important national implications.
Katie Bethell's picture
The following is the first of a series of essays which discuss the 5 founding principles of Mothers Acting Up , a national non-profit organization which exists to inspire and mobilize mothers to advocate on behalf of the world’s children.
On International Women's Day Saturday, I started thinking about moms around the world and then moms in our own United States of America. As the mother of four children, I've spent a lot of time over the years breastfeeding babies, and so I wondered: Why do moms in the U.S. still lack a guarantee of some paid maternity leave so they have time to bond with their bundles-of-joy?
Nanette Fondas's picture
It's funny how things catch you, make your heart skip a beat.
... lose two part time jobs. Panic, take a few deep breaths. And write my Congressperson!
Anita's picture
