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It’s time to save our kids! Food and beverage companies are targeting our kids with their advertising. And they’re not selling fruits and vegetables! They’re selling soda, fast food, candy and sugary cereals—all day and every day. As a parent, I know this is the wrong recipe for our kids’ health!...
Two of our favorite Joans (work/life fit experts!) will be speaking in the Bay Area about how both employers and employees benefit when employers make it easier for worker's to meet their responsibilities both at work and outside of work. • Joan Blades is the cofounder and president of MomsRising,...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
It's wrong, and ultimately ineffective, to balance the budget by cutting federal support ofhealth care. Both the House and White House budget proposals include cuts to Medicaidand Children's Health Insurance - but these programs should not be on the negotiating table. Cuts to Medicaid will cause...
Bill Bentley's picture
False news reports debunking the declining sperm count
The other day I witnessed a disturbing sight in my corner of the city on a street lined by multi-lanes and whizzing cars. A couple of kids about my kids’ ages – a 7-year-old boy and 4-year-old girl – were doing a big shopping – not candy! -- at Walgreens. I watched them check out, receive three...
Elisa Batista's picture
xMedicaid has historically been a lifeline for the very poor with children, for the disabled, and for the elderly. The 50 million already served should be reason enough to protect Medicaid from disastrous cuts currently being proposed in Congress. However, people may not realize just how important...
In the banquet of spending cuts laid out as part of the debt negotiations, everyone seems to want a piece of Medicaid. Congress and the Administration are hungry for $4 trillion in savings, and while a powerful voting bloc of seniors helps protect Medicare, Medicaid serves people whose voices at...
UPDATE: Exciting news! The White House met with our members Gail, Jessica and Emily on July 7. Senior White House officials listened as these moms shared how Medicaid helped them. They made such a strong impression, the White House said in the blogpost: "[w]e will be doing all we can to fight for...
Kristin's picture
Ever since I can remember (and long before then), I have relied on access to quality healthcare in order to not only have a good quality of life—but simply in order to keep living. My parents and I moved from Puerto Rico to Orlando Florida in 1990, when I was only three years old, so that I could...
Laura Tellado's picture
Natural disasters such as the tornado that hit Joplin, Missouri and the flooding that affected residents of several states along the Mississippi river, serve as stark reminders of the important role the federal government plays in helping states respond to such events. Health care is one of the...
Say Ahhh's picture
