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As policy makers in Washington DC work to reduce the federal budget deficit, we should all be watching carefully where the budget ax swings, especially when it nears our children. Luckily, California is raising the red flag when proposed federal cuts result in more state costs and less health care...
Kristen Golden Testa's picture
Like so many Americans, my family has taken a hit during the recession. I have been working part-time at a university while earning my master’s degree in biology, though I'm putting all my efforts on finding full-time employment. My husband and I have two children in college, and are thankful for...
Sixty-five percent of children in D.C. received health coverage under Medicaid in 2010. Now their health and safety is at risk as Congress and the White House take aim at this bedrock safety net program. Our nation's debt burden is heavy. But our conscience will be heavier if we allow politicians...
HyeSook Chung's picture
When you are the mother of a child with severe disabilities you can't help but worry about what's going to happen to her once you are gone. When she is your only child, and you have no obvious relatives who are likely to survive you and care for her, it feels perilous. You really hope your society...
Emily Townsend's picture
We don't know exactly when it will be finalized, but the * federal budget and deficit deal * is taking shape. We don't know the details, but we are confident that harmful Medicaid and Medicare cuts are on the table. It is reported that the President and Members of Congress of BOTH parties are...
Cary Sanders's picture
At a time when it is popular to lash out at government programs, I want to stand up for the public service that is Medicaid. It not only offers outstanding healthcare coverage to people who need it most, but it saves families money and lives. My 30-year-old daughter receives healthcare coverage...
Gail Schimmelpfennig's picture
By Danielle Garrett , Health Policy Fellow, National Women’s Law Center Cross-posted from NWLC's blog, Womenstake Hopefully by now we have convinced you how important Medicaid is to many Americans , including women, children, the elderly, and Americans with disabilities. But we aren’t the only ones...
By Jennifer Mezey, Senior Counsel, National Women’s Law Center Cross-posted from NWLC's blog, Womenstake As the summer continues to progress and the battle over the federal budget is reaching a fevered pitch, the future of Medicaid is hanging in the balance. Decision-makers are considering policy...
If you ask my friends and family what I do when I head off to work each day, they know my job has something to do with children and health care, Congress and getting laws passed, and something to do with making sure that all kids, especially those with limited means, have the opportunity to go to...
As part of the ongoing budget negotiations, the Obama Administration recently signaled that it would accept tens of billions of dollars in cuts to Medicaid and Medicare. Administration officials have indicated a willingness to accept a $100 billion or more reduction in Medicaid spending over 10...
