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Throughout my life, my mother has had her battles: she raised six kids, survived the death of my father, and worked very difficult jobs as an immigrant in the United States. She was a stay-at-home mother for six children – three boys and three girls. I am the fifth child. When my father died 27...
Por toda mi vida mi mamá ha luchado con la vida: nosotros sus hijos, la muerte de mi papá y trabajos muy difíciles como inmigrante en los Estados Unidos. Era madre de casa con seis hijos – tres hombres y tres mujeres. Yo soy la quinta. Cuando murió mi papa hace 27 años atrás se quedó sin ahorros y...
Three months ago the Republicans opened debate on the FY2012 budget when Rep. Paul Ryan released The Path to Prosperity: Restoring America’s Promise . In that plan, he proposed a remaking of Medicaid that would eviscerate the program’s core purpose: provide health care to the most vulnerable. Many...
My youngest son, Isaac, was born at 28 weeks. That's 12 weeks early. He spent the first 8 weeks of his life in the neonatal intensive care unit. Very expensive. As a micro-preemie weighing only 2 pounds 5 ounces, Isaac was at risk for many, many life-threatening challenges. We were lucky, though,...
Kari Anne Roy's picture
I was a student when my husband left me to care for our one year old by myself. I had to quit school and move back in with my mother to make it work. I used to work at a Coffee Bean just for the insurance, but the childcare costs were more than my hourly wage! I knew I had to go back to school if I...
A little more than a year ago, 11-year-old Marcelas Owens stood next to President Obama for the signing of federal health reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. A grassroots leader with the Washington Community Action Network, Marcelas had fought hard for the bill, telling his...
Health care was so important to my family. I was in graduate school when I had my son, and I had no health insurance. Luckily, I was able to obtain healthcare coverage through Medi-Cal, which was essential to the well-being of my unborn child. I received quality care during the remainder of the...
It is a tough time for families across the country, and we are no different. My husband is currently looking for work in sales, and I am a new nurse who has had a hard time finding full-time work with benefits. In addition, we have three children who have respiratory illnesses, not uncommon here in...
My daughter Gracie was born at 26 weeks for reasons that are unknown. She was just 2 lbs and 6 oz and 13.5 inches long. Fortunately, we received great care at a Children's Miracle Network affiliated hospital with an outstanding NICU. The NICU was my daughter's home for the 68 days of her life while...
AnnMarie Duchon's picture
My son, Tobias, was born on May 8, 2008. He was very small at birth, only 5lbs 4oz at 38 weeks gestation, which is unusually small for a "normal" baby. He was very cute upon entering the world with his quiet voice crying out. As with any normal birth, we spent a couple of days in the hospital. I...
