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My colleague Mary Anne Hitt, the Director of the Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign, has a powerful column today about mountaintop removal coal mining and birth defects, and I wanted to share it with the Moms Rising audience. Here it is (with a photo of Mary Anne and her daughter Hazel): I just can't...
Season 2 of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution in LA comes to a close tonight – with Episode 6, the finale, airing at 9/8c on ABC and we hope you will all be watching! If you are tuning into see the Season finale, why not host a finale party ! Get your friends, family and neighbors together, cook up...
Jamie Oliver's picture
With all the political mudslinging, you would think that people of faith only care about two things: abortion and gay marriage. As a practicing Catholic I tend to think the media portrays people of faith in black-and-white, which is why I was thrilled to see the Catholic Church remind parishioners...
Elisa Batista's picture
This week, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked up to 1.6 million women from suing Walmart for sex discrimination in a class action lawsuit. The court's 5-4 conservative majority sided with business over women, claiming that Walmart's well-documented wage and hiring disparities are coincidences and not a...
Kirsten Gillibrand's picture
Originally published on The Supreme Court issued its decision in the Dukes v. Wal-Mart sex discrimination case this week, a frustrating ruling that doesn't challenge the existence of bias, but that exempts the company from accountability. The case highlights the difficulty of...
Rinku Sen's picture
Cross-posted from The Hot Mommas Project Blog Today I’m sharing some of my research for the first time. I have proof that women not only need mentors, but also HOW MANY they need. The short answer: The number is 5. How to think about this, organize yourself, and find these mentors is a huge part of...
Kathy Korman Frey's picture
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , in 2009, emergency nurses like me and my colleagues at the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) treated more than 350,000 teenagers for injuries they suffered in motor vehicle crashes. Fortunately, most of them survived the crashes, but...
AnnMarie Papa's picture
No one would argue that former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had a passion for women’s . . . issues. But throughout his seven-year tenure, Arnold never made a serious and sustained effort to terminate the state’s Commission on the Status of Women. Let’s be real – it was sheer political...
When I think about fire safety, I think about cartoons. Stick with me here. Every Saturday morning, half awake over bowls of cereal, my sister and I watched hours of Saturday morning cartoons. These blocks of animated programming were laced with PSAs preaching the importance of fire safety: Stop...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Hugely disappointed and then…angry. That’s how I felt, as a woman, and as the mother of a daughter, when I heard the news yesterday that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the courageous women of Wal-Mart – and women everywhere – in a 5-4 decision that these women won’t be able to join together...
Ruth Martin's picture
