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I’ve been working to reduce children's exposures to toxic chemicals for almost ten years now. First, in a laboratory, I studied how mercury emissions from power plants were converted to the neurotoxin methyl mercury. Now, at the Center for Progressive Reform (CPR), I’ve been working to shape...
Our kids don’t deserve asthma. They deserve clean air. They deserve the chance to play outdoors. But kids don’t get to pick how clean their air is…and in my state, Rhode Island, where air pollution is high, more than 1 out of every 10 has asthma. The truth is we live downwind from other states...
Sheldon Whitehouse's picture
This week is the 10-year anniversary of the Bush-era tax cuts for the nation’s wealthiest households. In 2012 alone, the extension of these cuts will cost taxpayers an estimated $20 billion. In stark contrast to these tax cuts to the rich are the terrible sacrifices we’re now demanding of the poor...
Bill Bentley's picture
It is HOT! And we’re not just talking about the weather! The Philadelphia campaign for earned sick days is heating up this week. The City Council is debating the bill *this* Thursday and is expected to vote on the bill *next* Thursday. The vote is going to be close. We need to act now to make sure...
Ruth Martin's picture
“My husband and I were denied a home loan last year due to my being on maternity leave. It was a tremendously frustrating experience, as I was employed and on a federally protected leave; though was told that in the eyes of the Housing discrimination against pregnant women and mothers is illegal...
Mary O's picture
Today is an "orange alert" day in Washington, DC. That means air pollution levels are high enough to be unhealthy for people with asthma and other sensitivities. In New Mexico, ash and smoke from the wildfires in Arizona are making the air similarly harmful for certain people. With all of that...
In recent weeks, I've written here and here about legislation before Philadelphia City Council that would allow every worker in the city to earn paid sick days. To round things out, I am now passing along an op-ed I co-authored with Lonnie Golden, a professor of economics and labor studies at Penn...
I’ve just finished one more article on what essentially becomes “The Three Main Things” that we need to do to improve our schools. They aren’t bad things. Well, sometimes they are. But, basically they sound essentially reasonable. And I hate, hate, hate to argue with something that sounds...
Lily Eskelsen's picture
UPDATE: Did you take action on this one yet? The blogpost and action below shares details about toxics chemicals in infant car-seats, but the sad news is that this issue impacts us all because toxic flame retardants have been found in a wide variety of cushioning from car-seats to couches. And even...
Sarah Francis's picture
When President Johnson signed the Fair Housing Act into law in 1968, the Act did not include women, families with children and people with disabilities. Since then, advocates and public officials strengthened the Act and today the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development uses these powers...
John Trasvina's picture
