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As advocates for deep change know, big success is often preceded by small incremental changes that may go unnoticed by the general public. It seems the effort to stop fast food companies from hawking toys to kids is gaining ground. I was watching Friday Night Lights recently (a great show if I don’...
Susan Linn's picture
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously that female Wal-Mart workers could not carry out a class action lawsuit against the retail giant. But the court was split 5-4 on whether the women had grounds for a discrimination claim. From the Washington Post : The court split 5 to 4 on ideological lines...
Elisa Batista's picture
Working parents have a lot to juggle, and this can create stress. But what we often overlook is that stress has real health consequences. Several weeks ago, I put together a survey * asking working parents about stress and its effects on their health. More than 600 people responded. I filtered out...
Katrina Alcorn's picture
Here's an op-ed on how dads in many other countries get paid paternity leave under law, and it pays off for businesses, economies, and families. But US dads get no guarantee of paid paternity or family leave under law. Published in the Houston Chronicle:
Janet Walsh's picture
Summer is heating up and so are the politics in Washington. Right now, Congress is debating how to reduce the deficit. Well-heeled lobbyists representing big business and the very wealthy are descending on Washington, D.C. in full force to make sure that their corporate subsidies and tax cuts don't...
Ashley Boyd's picture
As the parent of a newborn and a 4-year-old, I want to believe that my daughters will have healthy environments at home and at school. But as a pediatrician and a researcher for the University of California, San Francisco, I know that many U.S. children may face unhealthy nutrition environments in...
This morning, like millions of other parents across the country, I dropped my daughter off at child care on my way to work. In choosing a licensed child care provider to care for her, I made certain assumptions about the standards that provider would be required to meet. And, probably like many...
Hannah Matthews's picture
“I want to be the dad who attends all the little league games and dance recitals, the dad who is there in the afternoon/evening to help with homework, the dad who sits down to dinner with his family every night. My current job does not allow for that to happen.” — media professional and father of...
Jared Make's picture
It may be time to say, "As Connecticut goes, so goes the nation." Any day now, Connecticut's governor is expected to place his John Hancock on a bill that will make Connecticut the first state in the nation to enact a minimum standard for paid sick days. That sends "an important signal to the other...
Jodie Levin-Epstein's picture
Superheroes are an everyday occurrence at my house. As the mother of a small boy, I seem to be constantly stepping on Batman or Superman wherever I turn. But this week I’ve found myself yearning for a real hero who can come to the rescue and save a wonderful preschool and kindergarten program that...
BethM's picture
