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From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Does it make a difference whether it is the husband or the wife who is unemployed? Most definitely, says Heather Boushey, feminist economist extraordinaire here in Washington DC. It affects...
Valerie Young's picture
Good news! The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced this afternoon at a news conference that they reached a settlement agreement with a mortgage company that denied a new mom a home loan simply because she was on maternity leave . Emma Cooper-Serber, LMSW / MPH, a NYC...
Mary O's picture
Last week, I wrote that when you look at the positive benefits and the low costs of Philadelphia’s proposed paid sick days legislation, it could end up paying for itself. As I wrote that, I could almost hear a collective gasp from neoclassical economists: “If it paid for itself, employers would...
I noticed that a number of people find my blog because they are searching for information on dealing with a gap in their resume due to time out of the workforce to care for family. They land on this post, How to Explain Gap in Resume: Caring for Family or…Coma? , which tells the story of one mother...
Kristin Maschka's picture
Having grown up in a family that could not afford health care, I know how difficult it can be to go to a doctor when you need one. That's one of the reasons I worked on health insurance reform. No person in the United States should go without care when they need it. I remember an afternoon in...
The reason I put "climate change" in quotes is because there are people who don't believe it exists. Like, the oil and gas industry. From my point of view in the Bay Area, there is definitely something going on with our climate. Weather forecasters were caught off guard by the amount of rain we had...
Elisa Batista's picture
Memorial Day has come and gone, which means summer is just around the corner. Whether you tan or don’t tan, whether you lounge on tropical beaches or prefer to spend your summer afternoons doing less sun dappled activities, sunscreen is a must. I’m sure you’ve all been dutifully applying sunscreen...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Do you understand how come it got so bad for so many households these days? I've been looking at " The American Middle Class Under Stress " report by Sherle R. Schewenninger and Samuel...
Valerie Young's picture
In the first days following my son’s birth, a lactation specialist visited me in the hospital no fewer than five times. I was a confident, mature woman with a lot of life experience but the small bumps in the road to breastfeeding felt insurmountable. The empathetic, knowledgeable help I received...
Ashley Boyd's picture
Every night a second grade teacher washes the top cover of her reading couch because some child has had to come to class with the flu rather than staying home alone. A principal describes the number of high school students who miss school to stay home with a younger sibling because a parent can’t...
Ellen Bravo's picture
