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Cue the music ; the gauzy, soft-focus ads ; and the focus-grouped fridge magnets : Coca-Cola turns 125 this week. Never a slouch in the self-promotion department, high-flying CEO Muhtar Kent had himself serenaded by a red-shirted “Coca-Cola 125th Anniversary Young People’s Chorus” to celebrate...
Mike Jacobson's picture
The challenges faced by nursing mothers at work, especially those in hourly, lower-wage positions, are very real. We know that 77 percent of mothers in retail or lower-wage jobs give up breastfeeding after returning to work . This is because continuing to breastfeed at work is so difficult--...
Crossposted from One of the most important things a workplace can do to support working mothers and mothers-to-be is to provide for flexibility. In my last few blogs for I’ve mentioned the difficulties I’ve faced while working full-time and being pregnant. Early...
Michelle Noehren's picture
As a writer and activist, I subscribe to numerous newsletters and have given to countless causes. Here is a sample of what was in my inbox on Tuesday, May 3: "Each year, the first week of May is Teacher Appreciation Week — a chance to say thank you to the teachers who work long hours helping our...
Elisa Batista's picture
Each Mother’s Day, I celebrate the two most miraculous, deliriously happy days of my life – the days I gave birth to my two children. What I counted on during my birth experiences: health care, a safe and sanitary environment, and trained birth personnel. What would have never occurred to me, a...
Every employer pays for performance..right? Only believe it when your employer can prove it. There’s not a boss on this earth who doesn’t think he pays for performance. But ‘performance’ is often much more of a judgment call than one might think – even for jobs with quantifiable results, such as...
Below is the fourth installment in a five-part series, Too Little to Save , in which the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) highlights a family and describes their struggles with foreclosure. Ms. Suarez is a single mom who has a toddler and two ten-year-old twins, one boy and one girl. They live in...
Janis Bowdler's picture
I just put together a very simple survey about working parents and stress. It takes only 3 minutes to complete. If you're a parent and you work to help support your family, here's what I'd like you to do: 1. Take the survey . 2. Share the survey (or this post) with everyone you know. 3. Come back...
Katrina Alcorn's picture
This piece was cross-posted at the Moms Clean Air Force. I was recently thinking about Mother’s Day gifts from my sons over the years. Those wonderfully awkward clay sculptures they brought home from grade school; the colored drawin gs and the poems they write. And when they got a bit older, and...
Dominique Browning's picture
A new federal court decision adds weight to the campaign to end the shackling of pregnant women.
Rachel Roth's picture
