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“April 15” fills many Americans with anxiety as tax returns become due (though this year Uncle Sam has given us until April 18th). I recently remembered that April 15 has another grim association: the opening, 56 years ago, of Ray Kroc’s first McDonald’s franchise in Des Plaines, IL. (Now is as...
Mike Jacobson's picture
We hope you watched the premiere of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution last night on ABC and saw Jamie with his pink slime and school bus full of sugar. If you missed it, make sure you check it out on or because we know when you see it, you will want to act. And we've got just the...
Jamie Oliver's picture
Your baby can't really read. The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood files FTC complaint against Your Baby Can Read for false and deceptive marketing.
Susan Linn's picture
Dear Mr. President: I write to strongly urge you to stand firm in the face of attempts to eliminate or reduce the Prevention and Public Health Fund created by the Affordable Care Act. I share your commitment to improving health care for all Americans and I concur with your belief that prevention is...
by Barbara Gault So, the wage gap is still going strong, even though women have surpassed men in terms of number of higher degrees received. Women are now more likely than men to get bachelors’ degrees, master’s degrees, and Ph.D.’s. Is it just a matter of needing time to catch up? According to...
Caroline Dobuzinskis's picture
Equal pay in America needed to be put back on track after the devastating Ledbetter ruling, and the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act answered that call – but it wasn’t the last word. The Paycheck Fairness Act would move us even further forward by providing the tools necessary to enforce equity in the...
As the economy of the United States slowly recovers, one faction of the population is still struggling for wage equality – women. The American workforce today is more female and more diverse. Women account for nearly half of our nation’s workers. Yet, women on average still earn 20% less than their...
In America today, women now make up half of the workforce, and two-thirds of women are either the sole bread-winner or co-breadwinner in their family. Women are also more likely than men to graduate from college. They run more than 10 million businesses with combined annual sales of $1.1 trillion,...
On April 12, we will “celebrate” Equal Pay Day , held on a Tuesday every year to symbolize how far into a second work week women must work to earn the same amount men earn in a single work week. Research shows that the wage gap is real and has had adverse effects on women’s lifetime earnings and...
Jennifer Clark's picture
Today - Tuesday, April 12 - is Equal Pay Day. The day that symbolizes how far into 2011 women have had to work to earn what men earned in 2010 - for the same work. That’s right. We’re four months into 2011 and women have *just* caught up to earning what men earned in 2010 for the same work ...
Ruth Martin's picture
