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Re-posted from Working Mother Magazine While all working women would benefit from access to paid sick leave, the latest data from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) shows that 44 million workers in the U.S. did not have access to a single paid sick day during 2010. A growing segment...
Michelle Noehren's picture
Below is the second installment of a five-part series titled Too Little to Save , in which the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) highlights a family and describes their struggles with foreclosure. A husband, a pregnant wife, and a five-year-old son: this is the Nunez family of northwestern Georgia...
Janis Bowdler's picture
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) released polling results this week showing that 75% of moms would be “angry” if the government took antibacterial soap off the market. Wait a minute…the government is taking antibacterial soap off the market? No, of course not. But ACI may have led these moms...
Cassidy Randall's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Last week I saw a column in Market Watch written by Paul Farrell, about impending changes in access to wealth and power. It's a fascinating theory and I've been preoccupied by it for a week...
Valerie Young's picture
Have a second? We want to deliver a short "to-do" note to Congress from YOU next week. "What!?" and "Why?" might be going through your mind right now. Well, we have a good reason: Right now Congress is starting the 112thsession, members of Congress are still getting settled in, and many are...
Ruth Martin's picture
When I go grocery shopping with my year-old daughter Mirabel, it’s clear that what she lacks in life experience she makes up for with a keen sense of which products were designed just for her. The cereal boxes clad in cartoon characters and soup cans outfitted with Disney princesses already attract...
Juliet Sims's picture
Bravo, Surgeon General Regina Benjamin! Yesterday, the nation’s top doctor had the courage to say simply and starkly that mothers who breastfeed their babies need more support. In the “ Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding ,” the Surgeon General challenged all sectors of our society to support...
Ashley Boyd's picture
Last week, researchers found a host of toxic chemicals in the bodies of pregnant women throughout the U.S. Industry reps quickly trotted out their favorite messages in response: "Chemicals are a fact of modern life," "just because toxins are in your body doesn't mean they'll hurt you," and "the...
Kristin Schafer's picture
Understanding whether or not children are ready to succeed when they walk through the kindergarten door is one of the most difficult questions to answer. Washington only begins to collect consistent student progress data at the end of 3rd grade. By the time the state reports this data, the students are buying school supplies for 4th grade. Unfortunately we know this is too late.
Education reform: I fervently believe women who are in the schools every day--as parent volunteers, and as teachers--have a great deal to tell policymakers what works and what doesn't. What we need is a pointilist approach: steady application of dots of information about how schools are working--or not working--that add up to a big picture. We need it from parents, students, and educators themselves.
Cynthia Liu's picture
