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Hearing the phrase, “ The IRS has reversed its decision! ” is a great way to start the day – any day. The MomsRising team celebrated this morning as we got word that the Internal Revenue Service had reversed its decision and will now let women pay for breast pumps with pre-tax money from health...
Ashley Boyd's picture
Grappling over how best to teach your 8-year old daughter environmental stewardship? Wonder no more! Walmart has announced a new line of “green” cosmetics targeted to tween girls. It’s called “GeoGirls” and the megastore is gearing up to line its shelves with the product in mere days. I say: just...
By Vicki Shabo, Director of Work and Family Programs, National Partnership for Women & Families A new study released today shows that San Francisco’s Paid Sick Leave Ordinance (PSLO)—the first citywide paid sick days standard in the country—has been proven a success. The report, San Francisco’s...
Here's the deal: Roses, champagne flutes, glittery gems and jewelry--all great. But these days, I'm all about a different kind of Valentine's Day: Red construction paper hearts, lopsided, and shaped by small hands wielding safety scissors, glue sticks, and glitter. Let's face it. Lopsided glitter...
Sarah Francis's picture
Parents in California, now is the time to seek health care coverage for your children – no matter what their health status or if they’ve been previously denied coverage. Thanks to a new federal law, private health insurance companies can no longer deny coverage to children due to a pre-existing...
Elisa Batista's picture
We often hear the term “sandwich generation.” This is a label coined by the media to describe adults caring for both their children and their elderly parents. They are in effect, sandwiched between two generations of their family. Within this group is a subset I like to call the Dagwood Sandwich Generation. Some of us are members of families that generally have children early in life rather than later. I’m a Dagwood. As a Dagwood, I have been very fortunate to have found employment with a forward-thinking company that provides flexible working arrangements for its associates. I have been the beneficiary of some type of flexible working structure since 1995. Johnson Storage & Moving’s custom-fit policies have benefited five generations of my family!
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is the leading federal agency charged with ensuring the safety of consumer products. We protect families like yours, from risks of injury or death from thousands of types of consumer products, including items that many of you use every day, such as...
When I was pregnant with my first baby, I spent a fair amount of time daydreaming about what maternity leave would be like: Leisurely walks in the park, spending time gardening in the back yard while my baby slept peacefully in her bouncy seat, restful hours spent cuddling a smiling gurgling cooing...
Ruth Martin's picture
Only a short time left to fight this travesty Time is running out and we need you to take action. March 9th is the hearing for the sentencing of the two people responsible for the heat death of 17-year old Maria Isabel Vasquez Jimenez. Maria died of heat stroke in 2008 while laboring in the...
Jocelyn Sherman's picture
Two years ago this week, Congress and President Obama delivered bipartisan legislation to strengthen the Children’s Health Insurance Program, known here in California as Healthy Families. We are offering a birthday observation for the new law, and we can all celebrate the gift of health this law...
Childrens Defense Fund's picture
