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When my grandchildren were younger, they were very involved in sports. And, of course, I was their number one fan. But their football games, wrestling matches and soccer scrimmages were often in the early afternoon, making it nearly impossible for someone working a typical job to attend. Lucky for me, I don’t work at a typical job. I was right there in the front row, cheering my grandchildren on.
Building on the momentum of last year's White House Forum on Workplace Flexibility , the Women's Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor held a National Dialogue on Workplace Flexibility in Pasadena, CA on Thursday, February 17 focusing on the unique challenges and solutions of using flexibility...
Gracias a la reforma de salud, las compañias de seguro médico no pueden negar cobertura a ningún niño, incluso a aquellos con “condiciones preexistentes” como el asma, el diabetes, el cáncer, u otras enfermedades. En California a estos niños se les asegura con tarifas más económicas si sus familias...
Elisa Batista's picture
About a year and a half ago, I came up short in helping our state stop a requirement for toxic flame retardants in baby product foams. These chemicals are technically known as "halogenated flame retardants" or HFRs. Here is a short video by scientist and one of the foremost experts on this issue,...
Elisa Batista's picture
Cancer may seem like a huge monster that we can’t do anything about. This year, we have a way to get that monster out from the under bed. In its annual report to the President last year, the President’s Cancer Panel confirmed that exposure to toxic chemicals is an important but under-recognized...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
A veces cuando uno no tiene seguro médico, parece imposible encontrar cobertura económica. Yo sé porque cuando mi marido cambió de trabajo hace tres años atrás, perdimos nuestro seguro médico. Supimos de “Healthy Families” por una clínica en Berkeley. El proceso para aplicar fue muy fácil...
Last week I attended the Department of Labor’s conference to spark a National Dialogue on Workplace Flexibility, run by the Women’s Bureau and Department of Labor in California. The goal of this conference was to have a business-to-business discussion on workplace flexibility. Over 400 business,...
There's not a lot of love between right and left these days, but one thing politicians of every stripe agree about is breastfeeding, at least when it comes to their own families. Michelle Obama says she breastfed her daughters, bringing her younger one to work at eight months so she could keep...
Melissa Bartick's picture
In case you missed it (and you might wish that you had), breastfeeding is now being used as a ploy for political rants. That’s right. Our political culture has sunk so low as to transform something previously non-controversial, almost entirely free and certifiably healthy into a political hot...
Ashley Boyd's picture
Calling every CA parent! You have the opportunity to help make health coverage for *every single* California child a reality. Here's the deal: Between now and March 1, parents with uninsured children can lock in lower premiums on private insurance-- even if the kids have pre-existing conditions...
Ashley Boyd's picture
