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This is excerpted from a longer blog post at Corporate Voices . For the last 15 years, the Sloan Foundation has invested $120 million in more than 350 projects focused on work/life issues. And that investment paid dividends in elevating visibility of workplace flexibility issues--all the way to the...
Kyra Cavanaugh's picture
Something doesn't add up. These days you hear a lot of members of Congress saying, "Governments need to budget like families do." I couldn't agree more. Every family I know budgets by putting the health, safety, and future of their children first. But what gets me is that some of the same members...
Donna's picture
Food marketers have long had a special knack for euphemism. (If you didn’t believe me I’d offer you a Rocky Mountain oyster.) But even as someone who has watched the food industry closely for 40 years, sometimes even I can get taken by surprise. One such case is an innocent-sounding ingredient that...
Mike Jacobson's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Valentine's Day ushers in the most unromantic topic of the federal budget this year, and President Obama's proposed spending plan has now been unveiled. Much wrangling and intense debate is...
Valerie Young's picture
Estimados padres Californianos: Hoy es el día para asegurar sus hijos aunque estén enfermos o hanyan sido negados por las compañias de seguro médico. Debido a las nuevas leyes de seguro privado, no se le puede negar cobertura a ningún niño, incluso a aquellos con condiciones preexistentes como el...
Elisa Batista's picture
Whenever I ponder of the excess of technology in today’s society, I think of a posting on my friend’s Facebook page complaining that her kids were driving her crazy as they waited in line for ice cream. It seemed obvious to me why her kids were acting up--they wanted her to stop the constant mobile...
Tanya Schevitz's picture
Victory! After moms across the country expressed outrage that breast pumps and supplies weren't tax deductible, but items like artificial turf were, on Thursday the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reversed their decision! [1] Breast pumps are now a tax-deductible expense. Thanks go to the tens of...
Ashley Boyd's picture
When I listened to the testimony yesterday of Ms. Antonia Peña, a domestic worker who volunteers at Casa de Maryland, I heard a story I've heard many times that never fails to affect me. Her friend Maria, who was born in El Salvador and has a two-year-old daughter, was in an abusive relationship...
Congressman Raul Grijalva's picture
Cross posted from the Georgetown Center for Children and Families Say Ahhh! blog By Liane Wong and Eugene Lewit, David and Lucile Packard Foundation Even though last week seemed like it was all about the run-up to the Super Bowl, many of us in the nation had another cause to celebrate. February 4,...
Say Ahhh's picture
Yippee! That may sound less-than-professional (and forgive me if it does), but that's the first word that came to mind when I heard the big news from the IRS today. In a reversal, the agency is now saying that breastfeeding supplies are eligible for reimbursement through flexible health spending...
