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Fair-minded folks breathed sighs of relief and gratitude when President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the shamefully discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) will not be defended by the U.S. Department of Justice. At last, the Department of Justice lives up to...
There are some mysteries so dark, so staggeringly enigmatic, that the brain simply shuts down when forced to ponder them. Take, for example, the fact that we in the allegedly pro-family United States have almost no paid parental leave and very little open flexible work . As is so often pointed out...
I was saddened to learn this week that a patient under my care had died. A man in his 50s who worked hard on his feet all day in the food service industry, he was afraid of losing his job if he came to the doctor. He missed countless appointments. The last time I saw him, he had been having chest...
On Friday I had the opportunity to join a group of Latina bloggers and interview Dr. Cristina Rabadán-Diehl, deputy director of the Office of Global Health for the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) . Dr. Rabadán-Diehl, who has a degree in pharmacy from the Universidad Complutense of...
Elisa Batista's picture
This boy is a little warrior, but no one will acknowledge and respect who he is. Instead they want him to fit this mythical stereotype of the ethical, reasonable, self-controlled child. When he doesn’t fit this fantasy we decide he must be one of the psychologically disordered millions who require medication.
Joe Newman's picture
When Adele Diamond of the University of British Columbia wants to assess the brain development of young children, she often uses a task called the Day/Night Task. A child is shown a picture of night (a moon) and is supposed to say the opposite (day). Then he or she is shown a picture of day (a sun...
When my daughter, Leah, was about five years old, a family friend gave her a doll as a birthday present. It was a gift that would lead to one of the worst arguments I ever had with my little girl. The doll was black, but it had long, straight hair. I did not want my daughter spending hours combing—...
Enola Aird's picture
Welcome to the MomsRising blog carnival celebrating Black History Month! Black History Month offers us all a chance to come together and share the many ways we learn about the past and how we pass on our experiences to the next generation. We can lift up unsung heroes and notable characters from...
Avis Jones-DeWeever's picture
My grandmother is the original badass. I can’t even imagine holding a candle to her or the unapologetic, full throttle life she’s led. I don’t remember the first meeting with my grandmother, Miss Adele, when I was still in swaddling clothes. She told me some years later, that she knew that I needed...
I have had the great privilege and blessing of being an African American woman in America. Some would consider this a curse because it has been a difficult and challenging walk, but I am truly proud and thankful to be black. It has made me strong. I stand on the backs of giants and a people who...
