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This month is a special time of the year for me, not exactly like Christmas or Thanksgiving, but a time to reflect on family and the legacy that was left behind by my great grandfather, Charlie Sharp. My great grandfather was born in the 1800s and was an indentured slave. He overcame many struggles...
Carrie Smith's picture
Recently several dear friends have written to tell me of their number twos on the way. Each note registers as a tiny shock to my system. I saw these children coming; I expected them in the natural course of things. But I always thought I would respond with my own exclamation, my little bit of...
My seven year old got confused between the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement. She kept insisting that her first grade teacher taught them about Martin Luther King, Jr. and all the work he did to help people during the Civil War. It was a hilarious conversation as I tried to explain the two...
Dawn's picture
As a pediatrician, mother, and an African American woman, I celebrated as both First Lady Michelle Obama and Surgeon General Regina Benjamin recently lent their voices to encourage strong support for breastfeeding. It’s inspiring to have prominent, influential African American women issuing a call...
Sahira Long's picture
Last year, on September 23, a vital part of President Obama's health care reform package went into effect, changing drastically a key aspect of health care in America. Before this date, insurers could, under cover of the law, deny health coverage to our sickest children. Common preexisting...
As a mom who works to support her family, good childcare is an absolute necessity for us—without it, I couldn't work. And if I couldn't work, we couldn't pay our bills. I'm lucky I can afford childcare, because there are hundreds of thousands of families who can't. They rely on programs like Head...
Katrina Alcorn's picture
Last night there was a bit of panic in my house. Snow in Seattle! Ack--that means preschool is closed. What are working parents supposed to do when preschool is closed? But over 368,000 parents across this country are in a panic far worse than mine. Depending on how our U.S. Senators vote, these...
Sarah Francis's picture
By Galen Sherwin, Staff Attorney, ACLU Women's Rights Project Returning to work after having a new baby can pose real barriers for women who are breastfeeding. Consider the following real-life examples: When one employee returned from maternity leave, her employer criticized her for needing to...
ACLU's picture
European leaders say 'multiculturalism is a failure.' Their brand of multiculturalism preserved distinctions without building cohesion and unity. Americans must be vigilant this doesn't happen here, and we can start by taking small steps in our own lives while advocating for smarter policies that create a brighter, more inclusive, united future.
Homa Tavangar's picture
Millions of US workers – including parents of infants – are harmed by weak or nonexistent laws on paid leave, breastfeeding accommodation, and discrimination against workers with family responsibilities, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Workers face grave health, financial, and...
Janet Walsh's picture
