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Inside scoop : I facebooked and tweeted the story about the Ohio mom who became a convicted felon after she used her parents' address to send her daughters to a public school there. According to a very close source, the mother was an employee at the Akron schools district she refused to send her...
Elisa Batista's picture
Have you devoted countless hours of your time at school board meetings, or talking with school officials to help make your school as good as it can be? Do you know a mom who has fought tirelessly to protect your school from budget cuts? Or a parent who stood up to school policy when it didn’t make...
Cross-posted from New Deal 2.0 . I have been watching Clint Eastwood films lately and thinking about his role in fueling the belittlement of government. In Dirty Harry , for example, the Eastwood character is a loner who stands up to lily-livered bureaucrats who lack the cojones to do what needs to...
Joan C. Williams's picture
As you've likely seen in the news, Ohio mom, Kelley Williams-Bolar, recently went to jail for sending her kids to a highly ranked school near where her father lives, which was out of her home school district.[1] She was trying to give her children a better life. Now, as a convicted felon, helping...
Kristin's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Womens Enews reports that maternity wards and obstetric units are closing across the country. Depending on where you live, and whether or not you have health insurance, you could be far away...
Valerie Young's picture
By Lenora Lapidus, Director, ACLU Women's Rights Project Today, business and advocacy groups filed briefs in the Supreme Court in a lawsuit brought by women employees of retail giant Wal-Mart. In 2001, a group of women brought a lawsuit against the retailer charging that the company engaged in...
ACLU's picture
Amidst the generally gloomy news out of California about our budget crisis and cuts to vital services, there is one very bright spot: California is a step closer to insuring 700,000 children who go without coverage today with its recent launch of public access to Health-e-App. For the first time,...
Wendy Lazarus's picture
I was outraged to learn last week that some powerful politicians and lobbyists are gearing up to make it easier for polluters to poison our air. Do they really think this is a fight they can win? Mother love is fierce. All moms know one thing: having a child cracks your heart wide open. We’ll do...
Dominique Browning's picture
Q: I supported health care reform and was so elated when it passed, however . . . Now I hear of cuts in payments to doctors for Medicare. Many doctors refuse Medicare patients already, but with more cuts there will be no medical care for seniors. Supplement plans won't cover anything that Medicare...
As mothers, we talk a lot about balance. It’s an elusive concept—that sort of stands for being tired and overwhelmed. But even that conversation is highly unbalanced. It’s not a full discussion, because we don’t talk about balance for fathers nearly as much. Don’t both parents deserve to find a...
Amy Cross's picture
