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I remember when I first started teaching sometime in the late 1800s when one of the moms of one of my 4th graders came to the class to apologize. She had always been The Room Mother for her kids, but this year she was working outside the home, and she was apologizing...
Lily Eskelsen's picture
Most of us will never know what it feels like to see our unemployment insurance benefits run out. But that doesn’t mean we can’t feel for the people who are at the economic edge, just eking by because of that check for a few hundred dollars. Aimee Brittain, 32, is coming up on a year without a job...
This is it. A vote will happen TOMORROW (Wednesday) on the Paycheck Fairness Act--and it's going to be a close one. Many Senators say they're still deciding which way to vote! So we're sending clam-o-grams, making calls, sending letters, meeting in-person with elected leaders to share our real...
Kristin's picture
It's November and the holidays are fast approaching. But will out of work families be left out in the cold? On November 30, federal unemployment insurance is set to expire. Yet millions of families are relying on extended federal unemployment insurance to stay afloat financially. MomsRising members...
Donna's picture
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) was founded in 1947 by Eleanor Roosevelt and other liberal luminaries in order to protect the legacy of her husband, the recently-deceased President Franklin Roosevelt, a legacy that included unemployment insurance (UI). That legacy was under attack by a...
I was laid off from my job about three months ago. Unemployment today is unlike anything I have experienced in my lifetime. First of all, it was completely unexpected. Another major adjustment was to get used to a check of $494 biweekly and $25 worth of food stamps per month. Unfortunately, since I...
Teresa Rey's picture
by Jasmine Tucker The unemployment situation is dire, especially among those who have been jobless for an extended period of time. Unfortunately, the situation is not likely to get better any time soon—national unemployment in October was above nine percent for the 18th consecutive month and is...
Thao Nguyen's picture
The loss of my husband's job could not have come at a worst time for us. I work part-time at a supermarket, and the way the economy is my hours were further cut. The unemployment checks we received helped a great deal, and we were able to survive. But our nightmare began after the year was up, and...
Elisanta Batista's picture
This time of year, many are planning their Thanksgiving menu and visits with family over the holidays and New Year. But a huge number of Americans are facing a much colder holiday season. Unless Congress acts now, two million workers will find it difficult to even put food on the table once their...
Elizabeth Lower-Basch's picture
With great joy and excitement I am preparing my home for the Thanksgiving holiday. I am thankful for countless blessings. My son David and his family will be here. My sisters and their husbands will join us to celebrate. While I go through my shopping list, my mind races to the images of people,...
Luz Villafana's picture
