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We're outraged that, mere weeks before flu season starts, NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn announced she won't support the New York City paid sick days bill, effectively "killing" it. For now. Why “for now?” Because we know how important paid sick days are to working moms and our families’...
Ruth Martin's picture
We know the value of unions to working Americans: unionized workers make more money, have more access to pensions, receive better health insurance, and have safer workplaces. Less known but equally critical is that unionized workers also receive more generous family-friendly benefits – union...
My colleague Bruce Nilles, the Deputy Conservation Director of the Sierra Club, has been sharing community coal ash profiles in his columns lately . This week's column (which I've shared below) features a mom fighting back against coal ash , the toxic by-product of burning coal for electricity...
Just when you think big banks couldn’t be more heartless, now we’re hearing that thousands of families were illegally foreclosed on because the banks lost or destroyed their original mortgage notes . Some big banks announced that they would delay foreclosures until they investigate the faulty...
Children are among the biggest beneficiaries of the new health reform provisions, which include the ban on denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions and full coverage of preventive care, such as child wellness visits. MomsRising has collected a number of great blog posts on how...
Erina Aoyama's picture
Last week, Mayor Bloomberg issued a press release advising people who get sick this season to stay home for at least 24 hours. He makes it sound so easy. Of course, Mayor Bloomberg has paid sick days. So, it’s hard for him to understand how the other half lives. The other half being the nearly 50%...
As New York continues to waver on enacting overwhelmingly popular legislation that would guarantee working people the right to earn paid sick time, other cities are catching up fast. Consider Philadelphia, where I had the opportunity to attend an event on earned paid sick leave yesterday. Spurred...
Every October, we are inundated with information about Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We here at the Breast Cancer Fund [embed link: ] think that it is not enough to just be aware about breast cancer. We need to start preventing this disease! Last week, we released our...
Gretchen Lee Salter's picture
Sometimes it's easy to forget that I live in a world of relative privilege. No, I'm not a millionaire or getting ready to jet off to any exotic location for the holidays (though I did see some interesting "wildlife" in South Beach while attending a recent conference !). In my suburban neighborhood...
PunditMom's picture
Question of the Week: I have a “pre-existing condition” because I had a joint in my leg fixed from a sports injury. Since the repair has been made and no additional work is required, I think it is unfair that this is considered a pre-existing condition that makes me ineligible for insurance that I...
