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About a decade ago I received a distraught call from my high school friend, Mark, telling me that his son had just been diagnosed with cancer at his one year old well child visit with the pediatrician. A decade later, he called to say that his son’s life had been saved by this checkup. He also...
Donna's picture
Many of our employers and coworkers remain woefully ignorant about breastfeeding; without realizing it, they put us in situations that can be thoroughly humiliating.
Katrina Alcorn's picture
What is the pay disparity between a single mother and a man? What percentage of fathers are primary caregivers? Think you know the answers to these questions and more, then come to this year's Netroots Nation Parents Caucus in Las Vegas! Unlike previous years, Sarah Granger from MOMocrats and I...
Elisa Batista's picture
The euphoria of the final World Cup match is over and so many people around the world don't know what to do with themselves. Summer 2010 has been marked by one nation after another facing off in the stunning World Cup, with the entire world (especially the Americans, more than ever before in the...
Homa Tavangar's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ As July 12 is my birthday, I'm turning the keyboard aboard over to our latest MOTHERS member, Laura LaMonica of Stella, North Carolina. She's a freshly minted Ed.D. and recently just...
Valerie Young's picture
The secret is out: the toxic chemicals industry is designing a PR campaign for survival! Bisphenol A in baby bottles, water bottles, and food cans. Formaldehyde in furniture. Phthalates in air fresheners, soft plastics, and fragrances. The manufacturers of these chemicals are not taking the push...
"I'm mad. And, truthfully, what I'm most mad about is that we're even here in the first place. Women are still making just 77 cents to a man's dollar. Yet we find ourselves having to prove, and prove again, that pay equity should be a priority -- and in a recession no less when the paychecks of...
Kristin's picture
by Brigette Courtot , Senior Policy Analyst, National Women's Law Center So many good things are coming out of our new health reform law that it's tough to keep track of it all! In fact, the earliest benefits are now several months old, like the small business tax credit . The tax credit, which...
Thao Nguyen's picture
As a dad, I strongly encourage parents to have a doula present at the birth, especially if it’s in the hospital.
Today ends my know-it-all days. For the past few months, after the passage of the new health care reform law, friends and family members have come to me as a source of information about what the new health care reform law means to them. Sure, I didn’t have all the answers, but I had the answers at...
Thao Nguyen's picture
