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Congress, can you answer this question? When I heard that Congress had failed to pass the extension of unemployment insurance benefits last night, all I could think about was the question posed earlier this week from a mom in Indiana: "How will my family live now that the unemployment is going to...
Donna's picture
What to wear to work? How much freedom do we really have - check out our new Washington Post " On Leadership " column.
Sharon Meers's picture
Part 1 As soon as a teenage girl walks into her pediatrician’s office, he will suggest another vaccination, to be delivered through a series of shots spaced out over six months. This time the vaccine is Gardasil, intended to protect her from being infected by the human papilloma virus, HPV, which...
It's time again for the annual Fourth of July family picnic. Picture this: You're minding your own business eating your corn on the cob when over walks your cousin (the one who's nine months pregnant and in a very bad mood because it's much too hot). She remarks, "The country is going to hell in a...
Donna's picture
As the U.S. gears up for the 4th of July, today, July 1, is Canada Day. Many of us look with admiration to our northern neighbors for their progressive healthcare system which offers universal coverage at lower costs and won’t force a family to bankruptcy if someone gets really sick. In honor of...
Homa Tavangar's picture
Pennsylvania is poised to become the tenth state to restrict the shackling of pregnant women in labor or childbirth, once the governor signs the bill.
Rachel Roth's picture
Would you like some disodium 6-hydroxy-5-((2-methoxy-5-methyl-4-sulfophenyl)azo)-2-naphthalene-sulfonate in your yogurt? Well, you won’t find that mouthful of mumbo-jumbo on food labels. But you will find it listed with the friendlier name of Red 40. You might pass up a macaroni and cheese that...
Mike Jacobson's picture
Should dads be allowed in the birthing room? This question has arisen lately in the blogosphere and, frankly, I’m just as mystified as other “dadvocates” like Brian Reid of Rebel Dad . Isn’t it just a given at this point that dads should be allowed to attend the birth of their children? Watching a...
Last week, obstructionists in Congress blocked legislation which would have extended unemployment insurance for 1.2 million Americans. What does this mean? This week 1.2 million families are wondering how they are going to feed their children and stay in their homes. [1] It doesn't have to be this...
I don't think I've ever specifically said that 'Walmart moms' are the key to the 2010 election. But there have been plenty of studies showing that women in general, and mothers in particular, hold a lot of sway not just with household spending, but also at the ballot box . The release of Walmart's...
PunditMom's picture
