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Why do we write about, talk about, meet about and in general complain about children’s chronic illnesses in the U.S. when statistics show that, year by year, we Americans are living to an ever riper old age? That’s a favorite gotcha question, intended to squash or at least minimize the impact of...
Will health reform require new health care plans to cover pregnancy care and delivery by midwives? Will lactation consultants’ services be covered? Under health reform, health plans will cover standardized, comprehensive benefit packages. The law sets out general categories of benefits that must be...
An iTunes gift card...a Target gift card...Godiva chocolates...and more. Worth playing for? Then please do come to this year's Netroots Nation Parents Caucus , which will be held this Friday at 10:30 a.m. in the Miranda 5 room at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. We will open up this year's...
Elisa Batista's picture
Back in the day, the average American thought of unions as mainly involving white guys who work in factories, pull down enough income to support a wife at home raising children, have two cars and a house in the suburbs, and look forward to a comfortable retirement at the end of the road. That...
Robert Drago's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ MOTHERS member Jennifer Minear picked up the Sunday paper two weeks ago and received an unexpected jolt from an article on parenting styles and their alleged consequences. She felt a lot...
Valerie Young's picture
Thanks to everyone who took my "Who clips the nails?" survey. The results are in! Below is a summary. I'm posting the detailed results, comments, and analysis now and throughout the week on my blog: . Overview Even though studies show fathers are changing more diapers and...
Katrina Alcorn's picture
I said to the kids, “You’re building the perfect teacher. Give me a word that describes this person.”
Lily Eskelsen's picture
In my late twenties, I asked my boyfriend how he thought having a family might work. Our standard weekday ended with dinner at 9pm, after 12+ hours at the office. "I know just how it will work," my boyfriend gamely replied. He grabbed a pad and sketched out our future. He drew stick figures of...
Sharon Meers's picture
All over the world, women are still dying in childbirth. A woman dies every single minute. In the majority of countries it is usually due to the absence of good medical support. In the USA, a staggering number of women still deliver in the ER without having received any pre-natal care. There is also a disturbing trend that too much technology and interference is leading to creeping maternal mortality rates in America. Christy Turlington's documentary, No Woman No Cry raises some of the issues. Women need to be heard. To be heard requires understanding and knowledge. In this, women in America are very much like their sisters in Bangladesh, Tanzania and Guatemala, the locations of Turlington's stories.
The beaches are crowded. The fireworks have come and gone. And everywhere I go, the smell of grills, chlorine, and perpetual sunscreen follows me. It’s summer time; Sweltering, smack-in-the-middle of the season summer time. The summer holidays aren’t the only things to have come and gone. Summer...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
