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[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A colorful graphic that says "Weekly Blog Round Up" on a pink background]
VICTORY ! MomsRising/MamásconPoder leads the #FamiliesBelongTogether Corporate Accountability Committee of over 100 organizations… and we're thrilled to share that we just had a HUGE victory. One of our two key corporate targets, JP Morgan Chase bank, just announced: "We will no longer bank the...
Anita's picture
Elizabethe Schroeder
A few weeks ago, I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of my two-year-old wailing. She was afraid and uncomfortable, having vomited in her bed and woken herself up. She reached for me, her sweet face looking pitiful and streaked with tears. As soon as she was bathed and comforted and...
Alexa Bigwarfe's picture
It's been another busy week, and we're ready for the weekend. But first: can you make sure to check off of our most urgent actions from this past week? From telling the Senate to stop Trump's power grab, to sharing your story about the importance of quality and affordable childcare, your voice is...
Karen Showalter's picture
As most any couple will tell you, you’re never actually fighting about the dishes. You’re fighting about what doing the dishes says about how you’re valued and respected. In Congress, likewise, and in our early childhood education (ECE) community, we’re often not fighting about the thing we appear...
Lauren Hogan's picture
Adding a citizenship question to the 2020 Census, particularly in the midst of current heightened anti-immigrant enforcement activities and policies, will worsen the existing undercount of low-income people, people of color, and children.
Lecia Imbery's picture
MomsRising super mom, Jessica Morrison, spoke at a press conference on Capitol Hill about how the American Family Act would help her growing family. Read her story below and watch her speak here ! Good afternoon. My name is Jessica Morrison. I live just outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and I...
Abbie Gately's picture
Add your voice!
D elicious avocado toast isn’t why families like mine are struggling financially, as has been ridiculously proposed, but THAT is an actual problem. It’s hard to believe that out of touch millionaires like Tim Gurner can even suggest that eating avocados could be a reason that...
Donna Hoffman Cullinan's picture
Take Action!
This is huge. Just last week, the Paycheck Fairness Act was passed by the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor! Next, the bill is headed to a floor vote, where it could pass the House of Representatives. And it can’t pass a moment too soon! Why not a moment too soon? Because TODAY is a giant...
Sara Alcid's picture
On the #RADIO show this week we talk about the power of the Oscars to move justice forward. We'll cover the power of YOUR story, and a new National Academy of Sciences MAJOR report on child poverty and how to end it. We also discuss the nutrition/NAP crisis hitting Puerto Rico if Congress doesn't...
Amber Dorsey's picture
Equal Pay Now!
As the former Executive Director of the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum , current board member of MomsRising, and most importantly, being a mom to two incredible daughters myself, fighting for equitable treatment of Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) women and girls is my lifelong...
Miriam Yeung's picture
