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The Coalition on Human Needs just released another edition of the Human Needs Report. Read on for the latest on early FY20 budget talks, the potential loss of food aid for millions, a blow to low-income consumers, ongoing immigration battles, and more. Click here to read a PDF version.
Lecia Imbery's picture
Good news!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A colorful graphic that says "Weekly Blog Round Up" on a pink background]
Ever feel overwhelmed by your inbox, news feeds, podcast subscriptions? We're here to help! Swing by the MomsRising blog for this weekly round-up post to highlight the good news and current actions you may want to know about but might have missed. You don't have to be a policy expert or glued to...
Anita's picture
It's March, and spring is officially in the air! We're back with this week's round-up of top actions, featuring urgent campaigns around tax credits for working families, child care, protecting school lunch and SNAP (food stamps), gun safety, the #FakeNationalEmergency, and more. Be sure to scroll...
Karen Showalter's picture
From attending the State of the Union address to speaking at the re-introduction of the FAMILY Act to testifying before Congress on the Paycheck Fairness Act, February has been full of MomsRising power! And not only at the federal level — moms are making the difference for economic justice...
Anita's picture
“Someone had to break the pattern, and very often the civil rights revolution was initiated by the most vulnerable Black persons. Many of them were women and many of them were children—tough, resilient, hopeful, beautiful children. The greatest experience of my life was standing with them as they...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Progress! This week, the U.S. House did what was right by rejecting President Trump’s unconstitutional misuse of national emergency powers to secure funding for his harmful wall. This unconstitutional power grab is a step toward unchecked authoritarianism and we need EVERYONE to speak out! **Quick...
Felicia Burnett's picture
This event that was organized, run by and that featured Bangladeshi American women is a powerful testament to the dynamics of a culture that has woven itself through the fabric of a city so many Bangladeshis call home. Connecting and celebrating our languages and cultures can be a light during dark times for many of our communities and a reminder that no matter what challenges we may face, we are here to stay, thrive and be proud of who we are and where we come from.
Nadia's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Mother and son look at camera, smiling, holding sign for paid family and medical leave in New Hampshire.]
During the recent Polar Vortex of 2019, I loaded myself and my son Vinny into the Resistance Mobile (my terrible minivan bedecked with political and justice related stickers) and for the first time in my life drove to the State House in Concord, New Hampshire to rally and testify in support of...
Marcella Termini's picture
I’m newly back in the office after having my baby and I have one thing on my mind—we HAVE TO solve the childcare crisis in this country. At my neighborhood meetup for new parents not a week goes by that childcare doesn’t come up as a major issue for families. Moms with no choice but to quit jobs...
Nina Perez's picture
It's not a law that you have to post a selfie before, during, and after every activity. But for kids, it's pretty much mandatory. The resulting likes, thumbs-ups, and other ratings all get tallied, both in the stark arithmetic of the Internet and in kids' own minds. For some -- especially girls --...
Caroline Knorr's picture
