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The #RADIO show this week covers what’s really going on in America, in the Trump Administration and in Congress… and what YOU can do to fix it! Topics covered include: #StatusOfBlackWomen #MuslimCommunity #PaidFamilyLeave #Medicaid #HealthcareForAll *Special guests include: Alicia Garza , Domestic...
Kristin's picture
Take action!
As parents, we know when there’s silence, there’s often some sort of trouble happening. And soon after the silence—we hear that inevitable crash!! Well, right now there’s a whole lot of silence happening behind closed doors in the U.S. Senate. The extremist Republican members of the U.S. Senate,...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Each time I tell my children they are attending an official ceremony, they immediately ask if there will be cake. They’ve quickly learned that Army ceremonies almost always include cake, even those that occur before most of the rest of the world is awake. Army Birthday The Army celebrates its...
Rebecca Alwine's picture
Read the Coalition on Human Needs' latest Human Needs Report for articles on the Senate health care bill, budget and spending work, efforts to gut consumer protections, a $15 minimum wage bill, and more.
Lecia Imbery's picture
Yikes! We have a bizarre, tricky, and urgent situation with President Trump and paid family and medical leave -- and we need your help letting Congress know what’s going on so they aren’t fooled. The lowdown: While we were heartened that President Trump’s proposed budget recognized the need for...
Tina Sherman's picture
Take action!
"I always cry when my mom is late for pick up. She might not pick me up one day, did you know? " -- Gabi, age 7 (as told by immigration attorney Carolina Rubio MacWright). Too many California kids are living with this fear every day. In fact, more than half of California children have at least one...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture
Please join us on June 10th at Columbia's Lerner Hall as we celebrate our 20th Year! Hosted by Columbia's Center for Intersectionality and Social Policy Studies, the Galawill celebrate our work advancing and expanding racial justice, gender equality, and human rights both in the U.S. and...
Cherrell Brown's picture
This week, a diverse coalition of more than 40 environmental and progressive groups, launched “ I Am Still In ,” a citizen petition to tell the international community that President Donald Trump does not represent the American people on climate. Following the president’s reckless move last week to...
Claire Moser's picture
It’s beyond belief that any member of Congress can continue to promote Trump’s health care bill that’s projected to make 23 million people lose their healthcare, but they do!! 23 million? Really? The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office just released their score yesterday on Trumpcare (a.k.a...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Dear Friends, I am writing to share with you the Status of Black Women in the United States, a state-by-state report that examines the lived experiences of Black women in the U.S. ( Download here ). As you know, Black women get a raw deal in the U.S. We are mothers, caregivers, activists and...
Alicia Garza's picture
