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Earlier this month, the CEO of Reddit, Ellen Pao, announced the company would no longer allow employees to negotiate their salaries. Pao explained the move was an attempt to close the pay gap between women and men since, based on her experience, women are worse negotiators than men and as she put...
Liz Shuler's picture
10 years ago some friends and I got together and decided to start our own school. Thinking back on it, it now feels somewhat radical and surreal. It was bold, since none of us were actually professional educators at the time. We were just new parents who shared a passion and respect for progressive...
Ola Ronke's picture
Take Action!
The Raise the Wage Act boosts our economy and our families by raising the wages of 37.7 million workers, 75% of which are moms. Now we need YOU to speak out and tell Congress to support this bill!
Elyssa Schmier's picture
To be equipped for success in the classroom, students need to fuel their minds with healthy, balanced meals each day. The Community Eligibility Provision is a game-changing option that enables high poverty schools to serve nutritious breakfasts and lunches to all students at no cost. Under the...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
This week we're talking about the importance of SNAP, physical activity for kids, and hosting conversations about healthy food in your community. Please read and share! 1. Hot Line Film + Friends = Fun! Tony_Geraci_vertical.jpg This spring, we're thrilled to offer you a special opportunity to...
Karen Showalter's picture
Take Action
As I watch the events unfolding following Freddie Gray’s funeral , I’m trying to find inspiration from the March2Justice that happened just one week ago today. Justice League NYC —along with families, youth, and community leaders—marched 250 miles from New York City all the way to the nation's...
Nina Perez's picture
Take Action!
When I first became a parent, I was blindsided by many things. However, nothing hit me harder than the steep price tag and unavailability of high-quality childcare in our state. All of the centers I visited cost over $1,000 a month – the same as our rent! -- and many had years-long waiting lists...
Elisa Batista's picture
I met my future daughter in Operatory #10 at the Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation clinic in Bethel, Alaska 16 years ago. She was 3-years-old, in foster care, and lying there in terrible pain. Her face was swollen from an abscessed tooth, her temperature was 104 degrees. My heart went out to her...
Mary Williard's picture
Salt. It's on our tables, in our cupboards and added into our foods by food companies. Powerfully flavorful, salt triggers a response in our bodies causing us to crave more. But how much is enough? When does too much salt become dangerous? According to the new Dietary Guidelines , a set of...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
Like too many moms, I’m an expert at putting myself last. It’s not something I’m proud of; it just seems to happen by default. I try to make sure my kids eat healthy. I get them regular check ups. I make sure they have lots of physical activity. But when it comes to my own health, I don’t do nearly...
BethM's picture
