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This week we’re chatting about healthy teeth foods in honor of National Children’s Dental Health Month ! Oral health and food go hand and hand; as a result, we’re bringing out the big guns to answer your questions! Join #FoodFri on Friday, February 13, 2105, at 1pmEST. Our panelists, @teeth_matter...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
Tell us about Table for Two and how it began. Table for Two (TFT) is a community organization that seeks to establish public lactation rooms for breastfeeding mothers. We provide grassroots and real-world approaches to building global breastfeeding acceptance. The signature TFT campaign asks the...
Sojourner Marable Grimmett's picture
Today, I had one of those mornings. Stubborn kids, messy kitchen; the entire morning routine was running further behind schedule and my blood pressure was on the rise. Sound familiar?
Lindsay Imai's picture
When shopping for a plan, a few questions to ask include: How much health care do I need? Do you expect to visit a doctor often? Is my preferred brand of birth control covered? How important is it to me to see my current doctor? Am I expecting any major life events in the coming year?
Nina Perez's picture
Budgets are about our nation’s priorities: What do we want to spend money on? How are we going to raise the money we want to spend? And though ultimately the budget enacted by Congress will probably look very different from the budget proposal released by the president, the president’s budget is important. It’s the president’s vision for the country in fiscal year 2016 and beyond and reflects input and spending requests from every federal agency.
Jasmine Tucker's picture
This show includes the following segments: Forward Together: The Moral Monday Marches in North Carolina and how they’re building a movement. " What Marshawn Lynch and Richard Sherman Teach Us About Respectability & Black Masculinity .” The President’s budget & what’s in it for you. Inside...
Kristin's picture
Written by and reposted from School Bites Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite hol­i­days, and not because of choco­late, roses and roman­tic din­ners (let’s face it, I have three young kids…so not hap­pen­ing!). I’m actu­ally in love with the food! Pink, red and heart shapes lend them­selves to...
Karen Showalter's picture
The Healthy Happy Meal Bill presented in NYC by Council Member Ben Kallos and drafted in partnership with parents’ groups, Center for Science in the Public Interest, and the American Heart Association is currently before the New York City Council. The bill would tie toys and other incentives that...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
Greetings! This week we're talking about funding for food and nutrition programs in President Obama's FY2016 budget, sharing tips on healthy Valentine's Day celebrations, and announcing our new Good Food Force Facebook Group! Please read and share. Thank you! 1. THE HOT LINE The Ins and Outs of...
Karen Showalter's picture
Fortunately, there exist myriad protections for women who believe they are being discriminated against by their employer. What is unfortunate, however, is the extent to which many are unfamiliar with these protections. The purpose of this article is not to provide a comprehensive review of all of the employment discrimination statutes relevant to women in the workplace; rather, we seek only to offer a brief overview of the statutes that specifically protect women from discrimination and provide some pointers on how women can exercise their rights under each.
R. Scott Oswald's picture
