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Dear Marianne, Welcome to this week's Good Food Force update! Please find updates, resources and action ideas below. 1. The Hot Line: Threats to healthy lunches, and No Big Potato! Healthy changes to school meals are under attack! We're anticipating a new pushback on the meal standards, which went...
Karen Showalter's picture
Nat'l Women's Health Week
It was shortly after my 41st birthday, and only 6 months after a clean mammogram, that I felt a lump while doing a routine self-exam in the shower. I was familiar enough with my body to know that something felt wrong, and sure enough, my doctor confirmed it with those devastating words – I had breast cancer.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz's picture
Another week, another fabulous #FoodFri tweetchat! MomsRising is proud to team up with Fed Up, a film and social action campaign centered around sugar.
Migdalia Rivera's picture
Nat'l Women's Health Week
Health and fitness advice from an Olympic champion in swimming? With three pre-teenage children, full-time employment, and a frequently-traveling husband, I too find it hard to make sports and fitness a priority.
Nancy Hogshead-Makar's picture
Last Sunday, for the eleventh year in a row, I called my mother and wished her a “Happy Mother’s Day,” but I wasn’t able to see her. I’m one of the estimated 12 million people living in the United States without documentation. As much as I want to see my mother, going home to Honduras could mean I...
Rosa Anon's picture
The Big Potato Lobby is trying to throw science and nutrition research out the window and insist that certain foods be placed in the WIC food package, an important health and nutrition program for low-income pregnant women and babies. We need moms and dads to speak out and tell Congress to drop this hot potato!!
Elyssa Schmier's picture
As a parent of a 13-month-old, my son is already the embodiment of what I hope for most; William is happiness and light personified. I am constantly amazed at how quickly he changes in appearance and ability. I know his father and I will support him as he endeavors to reach milestones throughout...
Katherine Beckmann's picture
This month we celebrate Mother’s Day. And here at Families USA, we can think of no better way to honor moms everywhere than by making sure moms, their children, and their families have access to affordable health coverage. This year, thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), health coverage is...
Dee Mahan's picture
We speak to many people everyday who call Gateway to Care because they are looking for healthcare. The phone call may start with the parent calling for assistance in locating healthcare options, but it will end with the whole family having the steps and tools they need for health coverage. Being...
Rosalinda Mosqueda's picture
Blog Carnival!
Having health coverage opens the door to better access to health care and also greater financial security for the family. Check out our blog carnival all about it!
Cindy Mann's picture
