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In a snarky article , the newspaper of record confirms what we already know: Kate Middleton is pregnant. She's so nauseated that she's in the hospital on an intravenous drip. She's just lucky she's not an American gal. U.S. employers regularly fire pregnant women when they need modest...
Joan C. Williams's picture
Like most voters, Latinos cited jobs and the economy as their greatest concern in the days leading up to the election . The pressing importance of these issues led to an historic turnout of Hispanic voters in the 2012 election and overwhelming support for President Obama’s reelection. In the post-...
Janet Murguia's picture
Nickelodeon prides itself on responsible TV programming for kids, but what about its marketing? It’s time for Nickelodeon to take responsibility and dump the junk. Tell Nickelodeon to dump the junk: Studies show that food marketing causes children to want more and eat more of...
Margo Wootan's picture
During my pregnancy, I’d watched so many online video tutorials on how to breastfeed. Never mind going to an actual breastfeeding class when I can just search Google for what I need to learn. There was no way I could get this wrong. All I had to do was get my baby to latch on, right? Easy enough...
Tasha Digital's picture
Women's Voices for the Earth's Non-Toxic Shopping Guide has everything you need to make responsible choices without compromising the fun and excitement of gift-giving. With this Guide, you can use your consumer power to tell and show companies that you demand safer products!
Cassidy Randall's picture
For a year, my husband was unemployed as a result of his company downsizing. If he didn't have unemployment insurance, we would have lost our ability to pay our mortgage and would have lost our house. If not for Medicaid, our children would not have any healthcare as we wouldn't be able to afford...
Dian Berger's picture
Instead of looking forward to sharing holiday meals with my family in the upcoming weeks, I’ve spent much of my time worrying about the safety of the food families like mine will be eating at their gatherings. Because of a new and very flawed poultry inspection rule that the USDA hopes to implement...
Phyllis McKelvey's picture
It makes no sense. FDA's decision this week to allow continued use of the neurotoxic pesticide lindane in children's lice shampoos has me completely stumped. The pesticide's use in pet products were withdrawn long ago. Then agricultural uses wer e pulled, back in 2006. Yet FDA just re-blessed the...
Kristin Schafer's picture
Every day, 5.5 million children live with the fear that one of their parents could be deported. Every day, families are torn apart by deportations and immigrant detentions. And every day, mothers struggle to be reunited with their children, like Yolanda, whose young son was ripped from her arms by...
Ai-jen Poo's picture
Solar energy has treated 2012 pretty well so far. Solar energy helped Germany break a record by producing as much electricity as 20 nuclear stations, will energize Apple’s latest data center, and provided Hurricane Sandy victims relief when the superstorm left nearly 5 million in the dark. When the...
Cassady Sharp's picture
