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HOUSTON, Tex. -- This past weekend, I represented at the 4th annual Latinos in Social Media (LATISM) conference. LATISM is the largest online network of Latinos with 148,000 members on Facebook alone. I was honored to speak at a health reform panel with (middle) Laura Tellado,...
Elisa Batista's picture
Co-written with Katherine Ullman. Joan once wrote that the way for women to gain equality was to die childless at thirty, based on data that young women without kids earn almost as much as men. Turns out even that won't guarantee equality. A new report released last week by the American Association...
Joan C. Williams's picture
(this post was originally published in my blog, LadydeeLG , on July 18, 2012.) Yesterday I commented on Ms. Mayer’s thoughts and focused on what her non-existent maternity leave could say to employers and employees about the expectations and needs of working mothers (and parents) or what employers...
Diana Limongi's picture
There's an elephant in the living room, and she's getting impatient. While many politicians stand ready to support the stabilizing impact and economic importance of gender equality overseas; too often those same politicians turn their backs on gender equality policies here at home. In the last...
Kristin's picture
Well folks, according to Internet memes, we figured out what the important issues are in this presidential election; and I have to tell you, it’s brought to you by the letter “B.” Binders, Big Bird, and Bayonets. That’s it. End of story. Make your voting decisions based on that. Just kidding! All...
Kristin's picture
What a week in politics! The “binders full of women” moment exploded in a wide-ranging, national conversation. It appeared everywhere from Facebook images going viral, to people writing hilarious reviews of binders on . You’ve got to check them out. Of course it’s about more than just...
Kristin's picture
Motherly love – putting the care of children before every other consideration — is the ultimate intelligence of nature. My own mother saw the world through a rather traditional lens; she was passionately devoted to her husband, her children and her home. And I thought I could improve on that...
Marianne Williamson's picture
Candy, candy, candy! From classroom parties to grocery store aisles to trick or treat hauls, Halloween seems like a night dedicated to the joys of sugar. It's okay to indulge and enjoy the holiday. But what about the leftover candy after the holiday is over? And is there a way to incorporate fun,...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Shocking though it may seem, the celebration of Halloween as a time to binge on candy is a recent phenomenon. For thousands of years this holiday has been a time to celebrate the transition from summer and the harvest to the start of the dark, cold winter. Of course this was often associated with...
Kate Uslan's picture
By the time you read this, we will have survived the third and final debate and we’ll be in the final countdown to Election Day. But I can’t help it, people: I’m still shaking my head over Mitt Romney and his binders full of women. Of course I am thankful, along with so many voters, for the comedy...
Ann Hedreen's picture
