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Photo Credit: Photo by Flickr User Nils Geylen Happy (almost) Valentine's Day! Keep your holiday nontoxic with these easy, last minute tips. Find out how to take toxic chemicals out of your romantic meal and your Valentine's Day sweets, as well as DIY beauty gift ideas for your Valentine, and green...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Today’s mothers and fathers have an uphill battle. Here we are struggling to share parenting and employment in a world that still expects us to be in traditional family roles, and a government institution comes along to tell us that when dad takes care of the kids it’s "babysitting", but when...
Kristin Maschka's picture
Bring on the hate mail! I welcome it as a sign of discussion of important matters to the public. Today, the hot topic seems to be birth control. Statistically, 99 percent of all women and 98 percent of Catholic women use birth control at one point in their life. And, pardon me, sometimes they even...
New Messaging From Politicians Sometimes progress toward human dignity seems agonizingly slow, especially affirming the role of choice at the end of life. So it’s heartening when evidence of seismic change shows up. Last week’s presidential debate lifted our hearts for this reason. Contenders for...
Barbara Coombs Lee's picture
By Galen Sherwin, Staff Attorney, ACLU Women's Rights Project Tom Stemberg, co-founder of the Staples office supply chain, complained in a recent interview that the Affordable Care Act (known by opponents as “Obamacare”) will cost jobs by mandating that employers set up “lactation chambers.” This...
ACLU's picture
Donnicia Venters, a mom from Houston, TX, lost her job in 2009 simply for following medical advice to breastfeed her infant. When Donnicia told her boss about her pregnancy, he assured her that her position would still be available for her after she returned from her short maternity leave. But once...
Ashley Boyd's picture
With presidential primaries in full swing, each state stands to enjoy a moment in the spotlight. As riveting as the recent political theatrics have been, the campaign season also underscores just how many important decisions are made at the state level. From education to health care to workplace...
Miriam Feffer's picture
President Obama’s Past Budgets Invest in Kids - Will the Positive Trend Continue in 2013? A detailed analysis of the last three budget requests reveals that President Obama has requested on average a nominal increase of 5.2% each year for children’s programs. 2011 saw by far the biggest proposed...
Jared Solomon's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Almost a year ago, The New York Times published an editorial entitled "The War on Women" which began: Republicans in the House of Representatives are mounting an assault on women’s health...
Valerie Young's picture
Photo credit: Photo by Flickr user Lauren Chagaris Are you staring down a pile of dirty laundry right now (Full Disclosure: I am. Basically always)? Laundry, like dishes, can feel like one of those endless chores. No matter how often you do it, you just keep generating more of it. The clothing that...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
