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Recent years have shown us more than ever that who we elect to represent us has a big impact on our lives, our community, and our country. For too long, there have been assaults on our democracy. Unnecessary barriers to voting, gerrymandering, and intentional voter suppression of communities of...
Felicia Burnett's picture
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A close up photo of a wildflower in a meadow, with blue sky in the background
Winter has been whispering at our closed doors and windows for a few months now. Frigid air, cloud cover, fewer rays of sunshine. The colder weather and shorter days affect us, whether we are aware of it or not. Our bodies have instinctively been instructed to pull the curtains hunker down. There...
Beth Anstandig's picture
Instagram Image of Black Girl Magic featuring women of Georgia
ICYMI: Helping others find their voice...and their one of the beautiful super powers of the MomsRising community. This past week, members like you stood up for students, celebrating Black Women and lifted up the care providers who are holding our communities together. Here are the voices...
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Keep Marching call, Feb. 2021
It’s go time!! The Biden Administration and the new Congress are getting to work on moving forward critically important policy changes -- and they need to hear from you. Important legislation regarding paid leave, voting rights, COVID-19 relief and more are currently being debated and voted on...
Kristin's picture
I'll get right to the point: Paid leave saves lives, during the pandemic and always. Congress let it expire in December. We must include it in the next COVID-19 relief package. → Join us to tell Congress this isn't negotiable, and they need to act quickly to pass permanent paid leave immediately...
Ruth Martin's picture
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Cover of a book of humorous limericks, with drawings of Trump and Biden
It was just a few days after the 2016 election that I last wrote here to offer my thoughts to the MomsRising community on how to explain that election to our children. I suggested telling our kids about the golden rule, and how Donald Trump’s victory should not mean that his numerous displays of...
Gregg Robins's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image with a blue background and text that reads MOM-entum.]
2021 has just begun and MomsRising is already hitting the ground running -- but first, we’re taking a moment to celebrate having the first Black, South Asian woman Vice President in the history of the United States! This is a moment to pause and recognize how far we’ve come to reach this long-...
Anita's picture
Take Action!
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Graphic of a red sign that says "Counselors not Cops"
There was yet another violent police attack on a child in school last week. We are once again enraged. *TAKE ACTION: Our schools need more counselors, nurses, social workers, and educators who have the training they need to effectively support students, NOT cops. Tell Congress to ACT NOW! [Content...
Beatriz Beckford's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of a person with short curly black hair in profile, facing a laptop.]
We need your help this week. All of us have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in some way. We’ve lost friends and loved ones, fought the illness ourselves, have struggled with the changing employment landscape, dealt with new roles at home and in so many other ways.
Sue Anne Reed's picture
Photo to illustrate The Road Ahead, two people walking on a white painted arrow on a street
ICYMI: Hey Congress...GET TO WORK! That's the message MomsRising members have been sending to their elected officials this past week, demanding immediate boosts for COVID-19 assistance and more long-term transformative policy changes to help ALL of us thrive. Check out these three actions and...
Kerri Karvetski's picture
