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Next to quality child care, flex time–much more than high tech fertility–is the most effective benefit companies could give women, and increasingly, men as well, to enhance opportunities to advance their careers while garnering better retention rates and job satisfaction without compromising productivity.
Gloria Feldt's picture
Food Tips
I wasn’t much of a cook when I was younger. I admit it, I loved eating out. It was my biggest expense. Now, that I am older, with two sons who would eat me out of house and home if I let them, I realize that I can’t eat out as often as I once did. And, I don’t want to. Our bonding as a family has happened in the kitchen and at the dining table.
Migdalia Rivera's picture
So you have an important job interview. Your sitter cancels. What do you do? When it happened to First Lady Michelle Obama, she packed up baby Malia, carted her into that job interview, and was completely surprised when she still landed the job.
The First Family's efforts to make sure our...
Megan Beyer's picture
The #RADIO show this week starts out by getting the inside scoop on the minimum wage, which for tipped workers is stuck at $2.13 an hour! We discuss how this impacts you and our economy. Then in the next interview we cover just how many people do have access to paid sick days, and how many don't,...
Kristin's picture
We envision a world in which all people have access to healthy, affordable food that nourishes our bodies and environments. Yet right now, that vision is plagued by severe inequality.
Migdalia Rivera's picture
The statistics are alarming: One out of two public school students lives in poverty. Two out of three public school students qualify for free or subsidized lunch. Three out of five teachers in America report they have children who regularly come to school hungry.
Mary Cathryn Ricker's picture
While we rarely hear good news these days about Congress, I have some to share. Continuing a long tradition of bipartisan leadership on behalf of abused and neglected children, last month both the House and the Senate passed and the President signed into law the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (H.R. 4980/P.L. 113-183). This new legislation improves the child welfare system to prevent children and youths in foster care from becoming victims of sex trafficking and protects foster care youths who are already victims. It offers new hope of permanent families for children and extra support for those youths who end up aging out of foster care. The Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) and many other children’s advocates strongly supported this bill, and we applaud Representatives Dave Camp (R-MI) and Sander Levin (D-MI), Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT), and Representatives David Reichert (R-WA) and Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) who led the charge in responding to some of our most vulnerable children’s needs.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Take Action!
Horrifying. An anonymous emailer wrote that if Utah State University didn’t cancel Anita Sarkeesian’s speech about women's rights within 24 hours, then he would commit the “deadliest school shooting in American history.”
Gloria Pan's picture
“As time went on, I saw how my own country, the place where I lived, was actually a bad place. I would see people fight and I thought that would be my life. I thought, that’s me–then I turned 4.”
Alyssa Peterson's picture
I encountered mathematical inequalities again when I taught them to my third graders. But since becoming a part of the team at the National Women’s Law Center, I’ve learned a lot about the other types of inequality in schools. Unfortunately, it’s no math lesson—and too many African American girls are on the “less than” side of it.
Gail Zuagar's picture
