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Happy Friday! Have you heard the news? MomsRising's Food Power event is back! We've teamed up with the The BLK Projek's Not Just Talk, a full-day conference of exciting women working in social justice.
Migdalia Rivera's picture
What’s going on in Texas? Jails in the state are endangering pregnant women and their fetuses, despite the state’s professed interest in “unborn babies.” In May, a woman named Nicole Guerrero filed a lawsuit against the Wichita County Jail for ignoring her when she was in labor. Locked alone in a...
Rachel Roth's picture
To highlight just how difficult it is to live on $7.25 – around $15,000 a year for a full-time worker – a host of advocacy groups including MomsRising and the National Employment Law Project (where I work) has issued a challenge: try it.
Arun Ivatury's picture
A WebMD/Sanford Health survey found that parents of teens find it more difficult to talk about weight with their child than talking about sex, drugs, alcohol or smoking.
Howell Wechsler's picture
Over the past few weeks the stories of child refugees fleeing unspeakable violence in Central America, as well as their uncertain fate in the hands of U.S. policymakers, has been the focus of headlines around the country. What has been more difficult to follow is what is happening to the influx of refugee mothers who have recently fled to the U.S. with their children, many just toddlers and babies.
Wendy Cervantes's picture
Well, it's about time. The invisible problem of pesticide drift is on the policy radar in ways it's never been before — with changes in the wings that could protect kids and communities in very real ways. From California to the Midwest to our nation's capital, drift is now a focus of public concern...
Kristin Schafer's picture
In his engrossing new book, The Third Plate, Dan Barber observes that our present food system is disconnected: It operates in silos: vegetables here, animals there, grains somewhere else – each component part separate from the others and unhitched to any kind of culture.
Diana Donlon's picture
People are outraged over the news that the NFL is letting a player off the hook for assaulting his wife. Can you take a second to sign and share this petition?
Nita Chaudhary's picture
Even Republicans like their Affordable Care Act plans! A recent poll by The Commonwealth Fund showed that overall, 78% of Americans who signed up for coverage under the Affordable Care Act are satisfied with their coverage. Even 74% of the Republicans who signed up say they are satisfied with their...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Today marks the five year anniversary since the last time the federal minimum wage was raised. Workers making only $15,080 per year haven't seen a raise in five long years. This is hurting women, families, and our economy. It's time to tell Congress to #RaisetheWage!
Elyssa Schmier's picture
