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Nominate a Hidden Hero!
We all have heroes in our communities. They may not be wearing a cape or a mask, but they still know how to save the day. Many Californians have been Hidden Heroes: Working tirelessly to help their friends and family get affordable healthcare so they can live healthier lives. Before the...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Most of you are undoubtedly familiar with the Hans Christian Andersen story "The Emperor's New Clothes." You may even have read it to your kids and grandkids. Remember how the two unscrupulous weavers promise the vain and pretentious emperor to create for him new clothes woven of material so...
Ruth Berlin's picture
We know that nutrition and health are related, but why is this of particular concern for families struggling with hunger? Join MomsRising and Feeding America July 17th for a Virtual Town Hall discussion to tackle these important issues.
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Putting faith over fact, 5 conservative Catholic men on the Supreme Court have opened a Pandora’s Box: your boss now gets to interfere with your birth control decisions. In its sharply divided 5-4 ruling in Hobby Lobby, SCOTUS ramps up the War on Women.
Roberta Riley's picture
I became aware of the huge bias against mothers in hiring, wages and advancement over a decade ago. In response I co-founded with Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner. As I learned more and more about work that was compatible with parenthood it became clear that all the practices that are good...
joan's picture
What’s going on in Texas? Jails in the state are endangering pregnant women and their fetuses, despite the state’s professed interest in “unborn babies.” In May, a woman named Nicole Guerrero filed a lawsuit against the Wichita County Jail for ignoring her when she was in labor. Locked alone in a...
Rachel Roth's picture
This speaks to being a mom, to paid family leave and in general to the way we view "poor" people and our ideas of how that person should be defined.
Sili Recio's picture
Take Action!
Did you know that only 12% of Americans have access to paid family (maternity/paternity) leave in the United States? And that having a baby is a leading cause of poverty spells in this country? Do you find that appalling? Me too.
Ruth Martin's picture
I am eternally grateful to MomsRising for helping me find my outside voice. It is through the shared space of interacting with this organization that I have come to understand the importance of activism in our everyday lives. I now realize how important it is for us to be involved in the socio-...
Sili Recio's picture
You were heard! U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Mark Udall have dropped a bill in Congress to fix the Supreme Court's wrong Hobby Lobby decision, the Protect Women's Health from Corporate Interference Act.
Kristin's picture
