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As the Health Policy Director at Advocates for Children & Youth and as a member of the steering committee for the Maryland Women’s Coalition for Health Care Reform, I can say that the implementation process has at times been challenging. This is particularly true in Maryland where we are so far...
Leigh Cobb's picture
Co-written by Katherine Ullman. An essay this month in The Wall Street Journal recycled a tired trope : “queen bees” in the office are making the lives of other women a living hell. We’ve heard this before. Powerful women are just grown up high-school “mean girls” chipping away at the self-...
Joan C. Williams's picture
In its Annual Letter to Stockholders this year, Viacom, a leading global entertainment company that owns over 160 networks including Nickelodeon, boasts about its methods for delivering profits. The letter states, “As always, we aggressively pursue every sensible opportunity to monetize our media...
Carol Hazen's picture
This story originally appeared at the Immigration Impact blog. While the recent debate over reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act and the Trafficking Victims Protection Act may have reminded the nation that there are “women’s issues” in immigration law, it doesn’t necessarily follow...
Mary Giovagnoli's picture
I am Mukti Banerjee, a first-generation immigrant-turned-citizen from India. I decided to start Mukti's Kitchen when a few good friends insisted that I did something to let others know about my Indian cooking and the variety and uniqueness of it. Deep inside, I am a social activist and believe in a...
Mukti Banerjee's picture
Yesterday I had the opportunity to take part in a press conference held by several Congresswomen on what the budget proposed by House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) would do to women and their families (that’s me standing in front of the flag!). We’ve previously highlighted the ways the Ryan...
Katherine Gallagher Robbins's picture
African-American children suffer from obesity at a greater rate than any other group of children in the United States . There are many complex factors that contribute to this epidemic. But one factor, junk foods sold in schools, is being tackled by moms and dads nationwide. The USDA recently...
Monifa Bandele's picture
At a conference last weekend , I spoke at length about the daily realities families face in my community when presented with little to no healthy food options. I spoke about the difficulties of getting my children to chose a banana over Cheetos and water over soda----during a conference that had a...
Tanya Fields's picture
Years ago, I attended an event on economic policy where now-Chairman of the House Budget Committee, Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI), was speaking. After the event, I introduced myself to him and shared that I was a former Hill staffer. I told him that, while I disagreed with nearly everything he...
Randi Schmidt's picture
Lesson from this week - there's always more to learn! Five years into my work on health reform, I learned that the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) has much more to offer small business owners and the self-employed than I had realized. Welcome news! This Monday, MomsRising co-hosted a webinar...
Ashley Boyd's picture
